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The sounds of beeping caused a sharp pain in his head. His eyes slowly opened to reveal him in a run down hospital. The floors looked old, the bed he laid on had rust and the sheets were an off white.

"How did I get here?" He softly asked himself. Not much sound came out due to the dryness of his throat.

"You've been here for a few months," A deep voice said from a dark corner. "Ironically you woke up on the day your family attends your funeral," The familiar voice laughed then stepped out of the dark corner.

"You," Alessandro croaked out. The face of his fathers brother smiled at him with the most sinister face. His father must've shipped him back to Italy.

"How does it feel to know that after two months they stopped looking for you," He laughed at Alessandro. "Your father put you in a coma, I'm sure he was hoping you'd die in that box they shipped you in overseas. Unfortunately for the both of us, you're still here. Not for long though, I just need that bitch of yours location. Your entire empire will come down, starting with her then your children- well child. That bastard child is no blood to you,"

His words got to Alessandro but he didn't show it. It's been two months? A coma? Shipped in a box? A funeral? He left everything to Grace. Everything single thing he has he left for her. For a reason. He believes in Grace to run the business the way he would, he trusts her more than anyone on this planet- his grandfather coming second.

He is feeling a way that it's only been two months and they've given up and held a funeral. It's as if his value in their life was worth two months. They're even in the same country as him and they've given up already.

"Whether I'm alive or dead, you'll never touch my children," Alessandro spat with emphasis. "So just do us the honors and send me home to my maker," He has nothing more to live for. His family already thinks he's dead, by the sounds of it Grace is safe and so are his children. They want to keep him hostage for him to possibly give them up? And then what? Kill him? No. He knew better. He still thinks like a mafia man.

"In due time," His uncle rolled his eyes. "Your father is weak, I wouldn't have hesitated to kill you if you were mine. He has a soft spot and that's why your still breathing. He sent you here because he knows I will have no mercy once it's time to kill you,"


Blow. After blow. After blow. Alessandro eventually started spitting up blood but said nothing. He felt a familiar sharp pain and the sound of his ribs cracking. His uncle paused and set the metal bat down then headed over to his nephew.

Alessandro made no noise but the tears threatening to fall from his eyes confirmed his uncles suspicion. He broke a rib or few. "I guess it's the perfect time to do this," He smirked then took Alessandro by his growing hair over to a full bathtub. Alessandro screamed as the cement scraped his back until his screams were muted by water entering his lungs.





After four years a lot of delusions can start to set in from the physical abuse. Mentally a person will start to break, they'll start to believe everything the abuser is saying to be true.

Alessandro is strong minded but how much could he take? Deep down inside he has hope that Grace never gave up. Deep down inside he imagines him coming home to his family, coming home to the empire he left the exact way it was.

But as days, weeks, months, years went on. He lost faith. He lost hope. He lost his mental. He needs his saving grace. He needs Grace.



I hated writer Dro like that. More chapters will reveal more of the abuse but my heart can't take it so I'll do more narrative within the chapters to explain more of the psychological aspects rather than physical.

How'd y'all like the background Alessandro and how he ended up there in the first place. At this point in the story Grace began her hideout from the world. If just one Mob Leader could catch her, it'd be an immediate death for her because of the power Alessandro left her. In their world it's unheard of, especially when she's doing way more than any of them.

Alessandro thinks that Grace has been running his empire the exact blueprint he left. He hoped he would escape and go home to the same life.

Keeeeeep reading 😭❤️❤️ It gets juicyyyyyy.

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