Ernie Macmillan

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"Where are you going?" I asked Ron, seeing him stand up from his seat.

"Slughorn's just told us, weren't you listening? He's changing our seating arrangements. Something about wanting us to get out of our comfort zone." Ron groaned, collecting the last of his books slowly.

I sighed, only now noticing a few of the other students around the class, standing from their seats.

Whoever Slughorn puts beside me, it better not be bloody Malfoy. I thought to myself as I noticed the Slytherin was one of the last ones waiting for his new spot.

"And, uh yes," Slughorn paused briefly, "Macmillan my boy, you can go take a seat next to Miss Miller." As my surname left Professor Slughorn's mouth, I glanced towards the Hufflepuff, who was making his way towards me.

"Miller," He nodded, giving me a half smile. "Hello," I replied quietly.

Okay, I changed my mind - I'd much rather be sat next to Malfoy. At least I could form proper words around him.

I felt my heartbeat quicken slightly as Ernie accidentally brushed his shoulder against mine.

"Sorry," He muttered, seeing me tense up. I guess he took my actions in a negative way, because he shuffled away from me immediately after.

I wanted to say something - anything, just to explain that he hadn't done anything wrong. But really, what could I say? 'Don't worry I've just been completely mad for you since our fourth year' I cringed internally at the idea of him finding out.

Maybe it was better he thought I didn't like him - at least this way he wouldn't talk to me much, and I could avoid embarrassing myself in front of him.

"For your next assignment, I'd like you to work in pairs - with the student next to you." Slughorn instructed our class, and I felt my heart drop slightly.

I turned towards the Hufflepuff cautiously, my eyes widening slightly when I noticed that he had already been looking at me.

"I'll go get the ingredients, do you think you can set up the cauldron?" He asked me, and I nodded watching him stand up from his seat.

It turns out my attempt at trying to keep our conversations to a minimum failed. Because all this boy seemed to want to do was talk.

Not that I minded - Godric I could listen to him talk all day - but what I hated was when he'd turn to me for a response, and all I could get myself to do was either nod or give him a short reply.

It made me feel worse and worse every time it happened, because I swear I could literally see the hope die in his eyes.

Merlin, where was my Gryffindor courage when I needed it?

I guess Ernie eventually got tired of my silence, because he stopped talking to me unless necessary.

"You're really good at potions," I found myself saying during our next lesson. Ernie - clearly shocked at my words, looked up abruptly from his textbook, eyebrows raised.

"Oh, er- thanks. But I'm just following the instructions." His reply had me cringing internally. Why did I have to say that? He must think I'm so weird.

I nodded, looking down at my hands and playing nervously with my fingers.

Professor Slughorn made his way around the classroom, inspecting each of our cauldrons.

"Immaculate work you two, you make a very good team." Slughorn's words had me looking slowly towards Ernie, watching as he gave our professor a small smile. And I wondered if he thought the same thing.

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