Sirius Black

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A/N: I know, I know, it's been way too long since I've updated🙈 Please don't look at me. I've been so beyond stressed with school, and covid, and just everything. But I'm hoping now that I'm almost done, I'll be able to update a lot more frequently this summer. I've got a million drafts saved in my notes, plus tons of ideas to write, I honestly just need the time and motivation. Anyways I don't wanna ramble for too long, so I hope you guys like this one, I've been a huge young Sirius simp since- well way too long, anywayyys here ya go<3

(Please ignore any grammar errors, I didn't have time to edit this)

Being a muggle born, I was all of a sudden ridiculously grateful for the track team I had been a part of throughout middle school. Not that it would've made that much of a difference.

Why, may you ask, is this the thought that's coming to my mind right now?

Well, hold that thought. I need a minute to breathe.

Is this what a panic attack feels like? I wouldn't know, but if I had to guess - well this would be the closest thing I had to it. Because I swear I was less than two seconds away from collapsing.

As the pounding in my chest began to even out, along with the ringing in my ears, I felt the large breaths I'd been in the midst of taking come to a complete halt.

They were close.

I could tell by the devilish laugh that floated through the halls.

Okay, so I've got two options. To stay here, and risk being tortured by the group of 6th year Slytherins that were just around the corner. Or-


Sprinting down the corridors as quietly as one could, I decided there was no possible way out of this. Perhaps I could go to the Gryffindor common room and see if Lily's there? Who am I kidding, as if she'd just be waiting outside of her common ro-

Someone's behind me.

I know someone's behind me.. I can feel their breath on the back of my neck. Do they know that I've noticed them? No.. they would've said something, right?

My racing thoughts were cut off by the hand which was suddenly covering my mouth, muffling the yelp that I'd let out.

"Shh," I heard them say in my ear, yet I was still unaware if it had been a boy or girl. "You're safe."

Nevermind, it's a boy. I can tell, primarily from the voice that's whispering into my ear. But also because of the overwhelming aroma of their - or his - aftershave.

"Sirius?" I whisper-shouted, finally coming face to face with my kidnapper. "The one and only," He grinned, and if it hadn't been for the group of snakes that were hunting me down, his smile might've been the reason behind my weakening knees.

"What are you doing?" I asked, whipping my head around to scan the corridor.

"Saving you, of course." He winked. "Of course," I repeated, though my reverberation had been far more sarcastic than his words.

"C'mon darling, we best get out of here," Sirius smirked, motioning to the broom cupboard he had hidden us inside. Wrapping an arm around my shoulder, Black tugged me along with him, to where I could only assume was the Gryffindor common room.

"Are you kidding me?" Lily gasped.

"I wish," I sighed, plopping down on the armchair across from Remus.

Frowning, Lily stood abruptly from her spot on the common room couch. Waving her arms around wildly, she began to pace back and forth in front of the fire. Similar to what I'd just been doing as I recounted the past hour of my Thursday night to her, along with the marauders.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2021 ⏰

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