James Sirius Potter

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A/N: I'm so incredibly sorry that this took me FOREVER to write. I've been so unmotivated and school has been crazyyy. But hopefully this makes up for it... not too sure how I feel about it.

Anyhoooo.. Without further ado; I give you the one and only James Sirius Potter<3

"What are you staring at?" James questioned, sitting across from me at the Gryffindor table.

"More like who," Quipped Rose, from my left.

"Can she even hear us?" Asked Fred, waving a hand in front of my face.

The answer to that question?

"Of course I can hear you, you tosspot," I rolled my eyes, swatting Fred's hand away from my face.

"Who were you looking at then?" Asked James. I flushed, giving him a weak smile.

Fred and James followed Rose's index finger towards the other side of the Great Hall.

"Mills?" They exclaimed in unison. I glowered at the two Gryffindor boys, making an over dramatic shushing noise.

"Keep your bloody voices down will you?" I scowled.

I risked a quick glance towards the Ravenclaw table, to make sure Austin hadn't heard his name.

"Are you into him or something?" Asked Fred, grabbing a slice of toast from his plate.

I shrugged, "Why do you care?" I muttered, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear nervously.

"So you do?" Smirked James, and I sighed.

"It's non of your business, last time I checked." Answered Rose, narrowing her eyes at the two boys. I looked gratefully at the red haired witch, earning a reassuring smile in return.

"Have you ever even spoken to him?" Questioned Fred, arching a brow, "What's it to you?" I frowned.

"Just wondering." He shrugged, "So, how long have you fancied him then?"

"Couple months I guess," I mumbled, pushing my food around on my plate.

"Since that game you boys had against Ravenclaw," Stated Rose, "When that bludger was headed towards us? Well, Mills swooped in just in time and saved our girl," She grinned, nudging me playfully.

"You make it sound like a scene out of a muggle film," I rolled my eyes, stifling a smile, "Really it wasn't all that interesting to see."

"Well it must've been something to of caught the attention of our little Alder here," Fred smirked.

"Yeah, I can't even remember the last time you fancied someone," Said James.

"Well you better not tell anyone," I grumbled, looking between the two boys with narrowed eyes.

James put his hands up in surrender, "You got it boss."

I rolled my eyes at him, letting out a small laugh.

"Alder," I looked up at the call of my surname, to see James headed towards me.

"What's up?" I asked, looking down briefly back at my parchment, to finish up the last of my sentence.

"May I just say you're looking fine today," James grinned and my quill halted mid sentence.

"Whatever it is, the answer is no." I stated curtly, turning back to my Transfiguration essay.

"What makes you think I want something?" James asked, his expression slightly surprised.

"Don't you?" I questioned, already knowing the answer.

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