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After cooking for Charlie & Bella to save us all from Charlie's burnt meals, we were all sat on the couches in the living room joking between ourselves & catching up.
"So Becka, I heard you applied to the police academy." Charlie said his pride clear in the way he puffed his chest out a little.
Bella almost choked on her juice "you a cop?" She asked in shock.
I shrugged "it's no big deal, I really liked working on those missing persons cases. Plus everyone already says I take after my dad." I joked.
Charlie grinned "well there's a job for you here the minute you finish up, you start next summer?" He asked & I nodded.
"Sure do pop." I took a sip of my beer.
"& I also know you well enough to know you haven't stopped working on that Biers kid's case, so what have you got so far? I could use a different perspective on this thing, nothing has been adding up." He shook his head, I opened & closed my mouth looking to Bella for help but she only grimaced apologetically. I only had leads that were of the supernatural kind & there was no way I could tell Charlie about them.
"I got nothing pop, I'm just as stumped as you are." I shrugged.
He shook his head "it's a damn shame, I would never give up if it was either one of you. So I have to do the same for the Biers, they've been in this town for generations." He sighed "you went to school with him didn't you Becka?" He asked.
I nodded "yeah, he was a couple grades above me though. I didn't get to talk to him much but he seemed nice, he was quiet, didn't talk to anyone really." I shrugged, Charlie nodded.
I yawned & stretched my aching limbs "I might head home, I'm really tired." I said standing to kiss Charlie on the top of his head "love you pop." I said, waving at Bella "I'll see you round Bells." They both said their goodbyes as I headed out the door.
I was trying to find my keys in my pocket when all the hairs on my arms stood up, I was being watched.
I frowned as I slowly raised my head to the woods across the street & saw a familiar face starring back at me, I watched her as she watched me & ticked my head to the side, she did the same.
"Hey!" I called out to her but she only smiled, not a friendly smile but one that chilled your very bones, I walked around my truck & stood at the end of the driveway willing my eyes to use their new vampy night vision "we were all looking for you after you pulled that stunt in the woods, where did you-" my voice trailed off as I noticed the colour of her eyes, they were bright red.
I stood deathly still as she slowly backed into the darkness behind her, I rushed to my truck finding my keys & quickly hit dial on the number in my phone "Edward-" I rushed out "you need to come to Charlie's house, there's a girl here I pissed off a while back but she's not human anymore." I said.
"I'm on my way." The line went dead, I drove a little ways down the street so the house was still in view but I didn't want to alert Charlie by staying in the driveway & watched waiting for Edwards arrival, I was so focused on the house that I didn't know he was stood right beside my window.
"Becka." He said making me jump, I wound down the window as I tried to calm my beating heart.
"Jesus, Eddy." I hissed.
"What's going on?" He asked concern etched in his pale features.
"I don't know." I said honestly "I had for lack of better terms kicked the crap out of this girl awhile ago, she's Paul's ex-" I added for context & Edward smiled as he shook his head "she turned up to a party & I chased her off, we heard her scream & she's been missing ever since." I explained.
Edward frowned "& you saw her here?" He asked.
I nodded "in the woods, she was watching me, she copied my every movement-" I said my skin bristling from the eerie way she just smiled at me as if she were taunting me "I was about to ask her where she'd been, honestly I felt really bad, I thought something terrible happened to her." I let out a shaky breath & shook my head "that's when I noticed her eyes they were bright red." My blood ran cold as Edward took a sharp breath in "look can you just watch Bella & Charlie for tonight? I have to tell Paul." Edward nodded "thanks, Edward." I said giving him a small smile.
"Careful Becka you're in danger of starting to like me." He warned playfully.
I snorted "keep dreaming." I said starting my truck, he watched as I disappeared down the road & went straight to Bella's room.
The whole drive to the reservation was tense, I kept looking out the windows expecting to see her again but I never did.
She was watching me though I knew that much, I could feel it.
I didn't bother going home, I knew Paul wasn't there & drove straight to the pack house.
When I pulled in the drive, I noticed they were all sat on the front porch, everyone but Paul & Jared.
"We've got a problem." I said shutting my door behind me.
Sam straightened in his chair tightening his grip on Emily as he gave me his full attention.
"You remember Paul's ex? The one that went missing?" I asked, Sam nodded his eyebrows furrowing "well she was at Charlie's house, just before. She's a vampire now." I said bluntly.
Embry & Quil looked at each other shocked, Sam considered it as Jacob shook his head gravely.
"Are you sure?" Sam asked.
I nodded "she was stood by the edge of the woods, I noticed her straight away & called out to her, I asked her where she'd been but she never answered, I tried to get closer because she was just smiling at me & copying my movements like she was toying with me. I got close enough that I saw her eyes & then she just walked away." I felt a hand snake around my waist & jumped a little, turning to see Paul frowning at me with concern as he pulled my back against his chest protectively.
"So we hunt the bitch down." Paul growled.
"We have to confirm what Becka is saying-" Sam began.
"Bullshit! She threatened Becka, she's a leech, it's what we do." Paul yelled.
"I agree." Jacob said finally speaking up "I won't have her threatening my family, if she's out there I want her gone." Sam nodded in agreement.
"We'll patrol the area then, Paul & Jared can stay here with Becka & we'll see what we can find." He said standing, the guys stood in union following him down the drive.
"Is Edward with Bella?" Jacob asked, I gave him a tight pity smile & nodded, he didn't say a word as he followed the rest of the pack into the woods.
I let Paul lead me inside & sat on the couch with Emily, the guys did a quick patrol of the property leaving us alone.
"I feel so bad, Emily. I have done since she went missing." I said softly.
Emily nodded "I know, honey." She said grabbing my hand in her own.
"I thought something terrible happened to her & it did. I didn't want her to die, jesus." I shook my head starring into the flames that lit up the chimney "I can be so stupid."
"You think you can be stupid?" Paul snorted from behind us as he walked into the house "I killed my dad, Becka. You can't get dumber than that." I shook my head.
"You couldn't control it-" I began.
"Neither could you but we're learning how to so stop. Blaming yourself isn't going to fix anything, just get some rest, you've got training tomorrow." He said, I could tell how hard the last part was for him to say but he did it anyway, he was right we were just dumb kids trying to deal with a shitstorm of problems but we weren't those kids anymore. We couldn't be. Emily made us some tea & sat at the table with Jared, while Paul wrapped me in his arms & held me while I drifted off to sleep.

"I killed her, Becka." The girl laughed cruelly "I tore her skin from her bones & made a whole night out of it & you gave me the power to do it." She threw Bella's shirt onto my lap & I cried out "I should be thanking you really, I have so much power now-" she laughed "& I'll use it to kill everyone you love." She grabbed my chin roughly & made me look into her red eyes "& there's nothing your pathetic little human self can do about it." She leaned back & punched me in the jaw, I heard it crack as she pulled away & laughed walking out of the room "tik tok, Becka. Not long now."
I called out her name as she slammed the door shut behind her, cursed it to whoever was listening, I looked down at Bella's bloody shirt & wailed.

"Becka!" Paul's voice made my eyes snap open, I jolted forward & looked around the room frantically, Emily smiled sadly at me & Jared ate his muffin with wide eyes not knowing if he should look at me or not, my eyes settled on Paul & he sighed "the dreams are back?" He asked, I swollowed hard & nodded "I was hoping you didn't have them anymore, you're already dealing with so much." He said pulling his lips into a thin line.
I couldn't look him in the eye, I wasn't some broken little girl who couldn't deal with her problems. I could deal with it, I could deal with the fact that I'm half vampire, I could deal with the dreams that may or may not come true, I could deal with it all no matter how scared I was, he didn't have to coddle me.
"Hey," he whispered moving closer, he lifted my chin gently with his forefinger & shook his head "I know you got this but I'm aloud to worry." He said, I watched the toffee colours swirl in his eyes for a moment before nodding.
"Stop knowing me so well." I said with a small smile which he returned before placing a gentle kiss to my lips.

I didn't fall back to sleep after that, I could deal with it but that doesn't mean I wanted to right now.
So instead I took to starring at the ceiling & listening as Paul told the other's what my dream was about, Sam had gone into protector mode immediately & as did the rest of the pack, they weren't going to let anyone take me or hurt Bella, that much they promised but I didn't intervene or join the conversation I couldn't, I was to focused on trying to remember the girl's name, I could ask but I had a feeling I needed to remember it myself, like there was something that needed to be unpacked with remembering it, so I lay silent trying to figure it out.

Lunatic | Paul Lahote | Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now