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I awoke to Jacob banging on the front door & rushed to open it "Jacob?" I asked confused & annoyed "the hell?"
He grinned at me & thrust a take away coffee at me "we're the messengers remember?" he asked, I frowned at him & he rolled his eyes "we have to tell the Cullens to back off?" he offered, my brain took a moment to work out what he was getting at & then I remembered that Sam had asked me to talk to Emmett.
"oh yeah I was going to pick Bella up this afternoon-" I began.
"Nope go get changed." he chuckled & I nodded sheepishly.
"yeah, clothes, not pajamas." I agreed as I turned to walk through the house, my brain was hazy with sleep as my feet padded on the cold floor boards.
I walked into the bedroom to see Paul face down in the pillows snoring, I had the jealous urge to throw something at him but I didn't he also looked ridiculously sexy, all rugged muscles & bed hair. I turned to grab my tights from the closet & threw them on along with a shirt & a large oversized hoodie. I laced up my combat boots & walked back out to Jacob in a rush it was 8:00AM & school started at nine, we needed to hurry to get in to Forks.

When Jacob pulled his bike - that he insisted we bring - into the school parking lot students turned to stare, I huffed as I jumped off & leant against its cold metal frame.
"they're not even here yet." I said, Jacob nodded.
"they're not far off, I can hear Bella talking." he said, I listened in myself & nodded. He raised a questioning eyebrow at me & I shrugged off his suspicions.
"I'm used to your super hearing now." I teased covering my tracks, he rolled his eyes at me.
"it's not super hearing Becka, it's-" I held my hands up in defeat.
"okay-" I chuckled "I know it's a wolf thing." I a teased sticking my tongue at him.
He nodded his head "thank you." he said dramatically.
I snorted "I still think super hearing is cooler."
Jacob opened his mouth to protest but I stopped him "oh look Bella's here." I said, his head snapped up to see Deadward parking his car.
Jacob turned slowly unimpressed by both my teasing & Edward's presence.
I stepped forward to be at Jacob's side as the couple walked towards us "deep breaths big guy, can't have a supernatural show down in front of us mere-mortals." I said noticing how rapid his breathing had turned "Bells!" I said throwing my arm around her shoulders "how was Pheonix?" I asked happily trying to break some tension.
She awkwardly hugged me back "yeah it was uh-it was good." She said giving me a small smile before we both turned back to the glaring match Jacob & Edward were currently caught up in. I rolled my eyes at the tension in the air "oh just kiss already." I growled, I didn't want to spend all morning fucking around in a Jacob & Edward pissing contest.
"What are you guys doing here?" Bella asked curiously.
"You left town." Jacob said bluntly turning to Bella.
"Yeah to see my mum, I told Becka to tell you." She said burying her fist in the pockets of her hoodie. He nodded.
"He's checking if you're still human." Edward chuckled with disdain.
"She'd fucking want to be." I warned, Edward nodded at me as Bella whacked me in the arm "ow!" I said dramatically narrowing my eyes at her, I mean honestly that was just rude.
"I don't need to remind you of the treaty today, I came to tell you -a warning from the pack if your kind come on our land again-" Jacob began.
"Wait-" Bella interrupted clearly mad that she was being left out of something "What?"
Edward frowned at us as Jacob said "you didn't tell her? He snorted as he rolled his eyes,
"Just leave it alone, Jacob." Edward said, trying to shrug it off as nothing but Bella knew better I smirked as she turned to him.
"Tell me what?" She asked confused.
"Emmett & Paul had a misunderstanding, it's nothing to worry about." He said, I snorted.
"Struggling to cover your tracks, Deadward?" I crossed my arms over my chest as I glared at him "you can't keep her in the dark forever." How dare he try to keep Bella oblivious, she'd be safer if she knew.
Jacob chuckled "listen to you-" he said bitterly "did you lie to get her out of town too?" He seethed, I clucked my tongue as I looked between a very confused Bella & a twitchy Edward.
Something must have snapped in him because he was nose to nose with Jacob within a second.
"You should just leave-" he hissed at the younger boy, I growled as I shoved him slightly "Now." He warned ignoring me.
I shoved a little harder & he stumbled back with a shocked expression.
"You ever get that close to him again I'll tear you apart." I said through gritted teeth, rage boiled inside me, first he tries to hide things from Bella, then he wants to pick a fight with Jacob for trying to warn her? Nuh-uh not on my watch.
Jacob nudged me gently with his shoulder, a gesture telling me to back down. He had this under control "she has a right to know. She is the one the redhead wants." I looked to Bella then her reaction said it all as the blood drained from her already pale face, she took a step forward looking at me the fear etched deep into her brown eyes. My heart ached for her, she should never have been put in this situation.
"Victoria?" She asked her voice wavering slightly.
Edward closed his eyes letting out a silent sigh "Alice's vision-" Bella said whirling to glare at him.
"I was trying to protect you-" Edward began but Bella just shook her head.
"By lying to me." The hurt was clear in her voice & it made me want to tear Edward's stupid sparkly head clean off his shoulders. I bared my teeth at him as he looked at Jacob as if all this was somehow his fault.
"Okay we're gonna talk about this but you!" She said to Jacob "why haven't you called me back?" She asked.
Jacob broke away from his pissing contest with Edward to look at her "I had nothing to say." He said simply, turning to walk away but I grabbed his arm to stop him.
"Jake, hold on." I said softly causing him to stop.
"Well I have tons." Bella practically begged.
"Bella." Edward said wincing at her.
She took a step back holding her arms up.
"Edward you have to trust me." She said.
"I do trust you, it's him I don't trust." He said, Bella all but rolled her eyes as she walked over to Jacob.
"Oh real nice, manipulation move number one, Eddy." I spat.
"Becka, why are you even here?" He asked clearly exasperated. I raised my eyebrow at him & he muttered an apology.
"I haven't seen or heard from Bella since she got back, I was checking on her." I said & he nodded "though she did just steal my ride home." I said crossing my arms as Jacob drove out of the lot.
Edward chuckled "I could give you a lift if you'd like?" He said.
I scoffed "I'd rather set myself on fire but thanks." I said sickly sweet but I ate my words as I turned on my heel to walk away, it began to rain. I stopped pulling my hood closer & groaned, I couldn't run home in the rain I'll have bruises all over me from how hard the drops hit "but-" I let out a breath "I dont like cold shit." I narrowed my eyes at him & he smirked nodding towards his car.
"Me being the cold shit?" He asked, I nodded as I pat him on the back.
"Now you're getting it, Eddy." I said.

Lunatic | Paul Lahote | Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now