Satellite Hearts

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My phone buzzed & I smiled as I read the screen flipping it open "hey Bells." I said smiling at the thought of spending more time with her even if it was just a phone call.
"Hey Becka listen, I was going to see Jacob. It's been a few days & I just thought maybe you'd want to come, if you aren't busy." She said, I could hear the sound of her truck in the background.
"Yeah for sure, you want me to meet you at Jake's?" I asked grabbing my keys.
"I'll come get you actually, I might as well save you some fuel." She said, I placed my keys back on the bench.
"Sure, I'll be here." She said her goodbyes & hung up the phone as Paul walked through the door.
"Thank christ you're here-" he said with a smirk "I was starting to think I'd never get a minute alone with you." He scooped me up in his big arms & lifted me off the ground, my body warmed at his touch but I was stunned by the sudden affection.
"I didn't think you wanted to be alone with me." I said honestly, I watched as his smile dropped "I just mean, you were so okay with the whole vampire abilities thing & then you just did a full 360." I rushed to elaborate.
His hands slid down to my lower back & knotted themselves together.
"It just got a little real for me when I saw just how much it had changed you" he nodded "the running was one thing but then when I saw you in action & the way you had used your senses, your strength-" he let out a long breath "it was a lot, B."
I nodded squeezing his arm, of course it was. Half of me was the very thing he was made to protect me from "I just wish you had come to me instead of pushing me away." I said softly.
He peppered kisses across my face as he said "I know, baby. I'm sorry." I giggled at the trail of tingles his lips left behind.
"So rough day?" I asked, noticing the bags under his eyes & just how tense his shoulders were.
He huffed "Sam has had me patrolling all night & training Seth all day, he's finally able to control himself now so you should be able to see him. Leah has come out of hiding too." Leah had run off after turning, no one knew where she went Sam had looked for her for weeks but came up with nothing so they gave up, they knew she'd come back when she was ready "Seth though, poor kid shifted everytime he got excited about something-" Paul chuckled "I swear he doesn't have an angry bone in his body."
"Well that makes one of you lot." I joked poking him in the chest.
"Ha-ha." He said sarcastically tickling my sides, I squealed & squirmed in his arms making him chuckle.
"I do have some bad news though, I'm about to head out." I informed him regretfully, Paul pouted dramatically.
"But I just got you all to myself." He wined.
"If you had of walked in the door a minute earlier, I would have been all yours but Bella called." I said giving him my best 'I'm sorry' smile "but I'll make it up to you." I said biting my bottom lip as I grinned.
"Oh yeah?" He asked, his voice silky smooth.
I nodded standing on the tips of my toes to kiss him, his lips were warm as they moved against mine. I sighed, kissing Paul had always been something otherworldly but with my heightened senses it was something heavenly.
Our chests rose & fell at the same time brushing against each other, as he deepened the kiss, he rolled his tongue over my own slowly before softly biting my bottom lip. I melted into his solid chest running my fingers over his collarbones & up his neck before gripping his hair to pull him down to me.
He growled in approval & I giggled into our kiss.
"Ew-" I heard from the door "I'm sorry." We pulled apart to see Bella in the door way her eyes shut & her head turned to the side.
I laughed out loud & Paul chuckled "I didn't hear you come in." I said licking my lips.
"Clearly, you were distracted." She chuckled.
Paul kissed my forehead before saying "sorry, Bella." & walking towards the refrigerator.
"You good?" Bella asked nodding towards her truck.
"Yeah let's go. I'll be at Sam's later, babe!" I called to Paul over my shoulder.
"I'll see you there." He called back in reply, I heard him rustling around in the fridge & shook my head with a smile as I closed the front door behind me.
"So things are good with you guys again?" Bella asked as we jumped into her truck, I shrugged.
"I guess, he apologised before & well y'know." I chuckled.
"Unfortunately." She laughed as she backed out of the driveway.

Lunatic | Paul Lahote | Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now