The Beginning

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Elise laughed cruelly as she stepped away from me, licking the blood splatter across her hands "pathetic really." She said her eyes rolling at the sweet taste "you could throw me around when I was human but now-" she giggled "now it's my turn, you took him away from me." She hissed.

I laughed spitting blood from my mouth onto her shoes, my ribs protested my every movement as I looked up at her "you were never together you psycho." I said letting my head sag against the wall, I drew in a shaky breath & wheezed "you can do this as long as you want, the wounds & bones will heal, they always do, but he'll never want you. Especially when he finds out what you did to me, if I don't kill you he will." I laughed again although my body protested it, she was about to swing when Riley opened the door.

"Enough, we can't kill her!" He yelled "the place reeks of blood, we're going to have to take the others out to feed." Elise hissed as she stalked out of the door, Riley looked to me & I smiled feeling the dry blood cracking my lips.

"Bite off more than you can chew controlling the new borns Rye?" I asked amused by his obvious stress.

He shook his head "honestly Becka it's a shame you're Bella's sister. I think we'd be good friends under different circumstances." 

"Funny-" I said wiping the blood from my mouth with the back of my hand "I have a different opinion on that." I said as he closed the door behind him, I squeezed my eyes shut & tried to think about being anywhere else but here, I thought of fishing trips with Charlie & Harry, I thought of the pack & Paul's embrace, I thought of teasing Edward & playing football with Emmett, I thought of my entire life before all this mess & willed myself to fall asleep to dreamy images of my family & Paul doing better things in better places.

The Cullen House, Forks

Bella's graduation had finished, Charlie had asked where Becka was but Jacob had told him that she had been called out to Seattle for a meeting with the police academy & he dropped it.
Bella had gone to a celebratory dinner with Charlie before the party, she still had no idea about Becka's disappearance, it was up to Jacob to break the news.

They were all gathered in Carslile's office, expect for Paul who had taken to trashing his house since he heard the news "Bella-" Jacob started "its about Becka." Panic settled over her features but no one said anything "as you already know she & Emmett went to Seattle but-" 

"Is she okay?" She asked looking around the room frantically, her eyes settled on Emmett in the corner who didn't look like his usual boisterous self, he missed graduation too but she had figured it was because he was still with Becka, he shook his head as he looked at the floor beneath his feet, Rosalie rubbed comforting circles over his back "where's Paul?" Bella asked frowning, if Paul wasn't here did that mean he was with Becka? Was she hurt? 

"Bella, they took Becka-" Jacob said ripping off the bandaid, he was talking she could see his mouth moving but the only thing she could hear was static, the world tilted & she fell to her knees, 'they took Becka' was all she could focus on as pain ripped through her small frame, the door moved in front of her & she expected to see Becka & Paul walk in laughing with each other but instead she saw a pale looking Paul just standing there, he looked absolutely wrecked as he closed the door behind him, Bella shot up shrugging Edward off & ran to Paul, before she could think better of it she threw her arms around his neck & sobbed, it took him a moment to hug her back as she cried into his shoulder. Everyone looked away to give them a moment & Bella sniffed.

"She's okay? Isn't she?" She asked Paul her voice strained.

"I'll get her back." Was all he said, Bella nodded believing he would if anyone understood the pain of her sister's absence it was Paul, he wiped a stray tear from his cheek & nodded "I'll get her back." He said again gently moving Bella to the side, he couldn't handle being touched by anyone but Becka right now even if he did want to comfort her "I want to know everything," he said "please, whatever it takes." Carlisle nodded.

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