Chop and Change

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I closed my eyes & rolled my shoulders as I let out a slow breathe "okay." I said & listen as the bush beside me shook, I smiled as I bent my knees & shot myself high into the air as Embry ran at me from the opposite direction the shaking was coming from & flipped myself over him, I braced myself behind him as he flipped himself around & lunged, I held my arms up in a cross infront of myself just as he crashed into me & tried to hold my ground, the earth beneath me moved as my heels dug it up creating a path that Embry pushed against my body. We stopped & grinned at each other.
"She can finally back up her bark." He teased.
I snorted "I could always back up my bark, it's just easier now." Embry rolled his eyes as Jared stepped forward.
"My turn." He said with a wicked smile, as if I was a brand new toy they had to play with.
I raised my eyebrows at him & flicked my fingers in a 'come here' motion & he ran at me I side stepped him & was immediately tackled to the ground by Quil.
The air left my lungs & I groaned through a chuckle "that's cheating!" I said.
Quil laughed "someone had to bring you down a peg."
"Enough!" Sam boomed, he walked between all of us "this isn't play time, we still don't know what Becca is capable of. This is serious." He leveled us all with an authoritive glare & we nodded in submission.
"Carslile knows, you should talk to him about it." I offered, Sam considered it & nodded.
"I will, I'll have to set it-"
I stopped him midsentence "what's the time?" I asked, wide eyed.
"Six." Paul answered bluntly from the rock he was perched on, he hadn't said a word as he watched us all just observed quietly, he took my requesting Emmett to be there a bit to personally so I dropped it.
"Shit, I'm late. I have training with Emmett, you could talk to Carslile now?" I suggested.
Sam nodded "you have what with who?" Paul hissed.
"I have to strengthen my bones, Carslile said, so that they don't break as much. If I train with Emmett then Carslile is on stand by to patch whatever wounds I have, not that they need it, I only take a day or two to heal the bad breaks." I explained.
Paul's face had twisted into rage as he listened "he's going to break your bones?" He was deathly still.
"Not on purpose but yeah, as morbid as it sounds if it happens it would be ideal." I nodded, the thought of it made me gulp too, unfortunately I still felt pain but that was a side effect even vampires had.
"Jesus christ, Becka." He shook his head.
"This is messed up, B." Jacob said going a sickly green colour.
"We'll leave now, I want to observe the training too, if Carslile will allow it." Sam said.
"It's our first session, so I'll only be learning the ropes." I offered, Sam nodded still wanting answers & I shrugged, walking over to the truck, Sam followed as the rest of the pack began to gather around Paul.

The drive to the Cullen's house was silent, I figured Sam was mauling over what he had found out.
"I'm sorry, Sam." I said breaking the silence, I don't know why I was apologising I just felt like it was appropriate.
Sam shook his head "it's not your fault Becka, we made the decision. You said no but we forced this upon you, you would have died there if it wasn't for the venom. Quil would have never forgiven himself & Paul honestly would have followed you shortly after, it's not ideal but I don't regret the decision."
I didn't know what to do with that so I just nodded as we pulled into the drive.
Carslile was waiting for us at the door with a small smile, he probably smelled Sam from a mile away.
"Sam, to what do we owe the pleasure?" He asked, not a drop of sarcasm in his voice.
"I'd like to talk to you about Becka's situation, I'm told you might have some answers to my questions." Sam said, looking every bit on edge.
Carslile nodded & gestured for him to enter the house just as Emmett came barrelling out the door with that shit eating grin I loved "you ready for an ass beating?" He said excitedly, Sam stopped to observe the two of us.
I chuckled "you have got to stop talking to yourself, Em."
We chuckled in union "I got dibs on the piggyback this time, kid. Brace yourself." & with that little warning he lunged & I turned my back so he could land on it, my knees buckled but only for a second & he laughed loudly.
"Holy crap, Becka. I know we said you were strong but this is something else." He shook his head.
"Pfft, I could always do this I just didn't want to." I said as I walked down the stairs.
"Okay little bear, okay." He laughed at me "fields that way-" he pointed to our right & I walked off in that direction.

Lunatic | Paul Lahote | Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now