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I awoke to the door hammering open, Riley stood proudly in the walk way with two male vampires stood behind him.
"Ready to go home?" He asked, my heart pounded in my chest at his words.

"& here I was enjoying my stay, I mean it's not the Ritz but you got it pretty damn close, Byers." I smirked at him.
Riley chuckled as he nodded for the vampires to bind my wrists together, I let them not long before I could show them who they were really dealing with. He knelt down in front of me to check the ropes by tugging on them, I grunted at the force & he nodded seemingly pleased with the their work.

"Oh Becka, you may not believe me but I'm going to miss that smart mouth of yours. Only for a moment." He chuckled as he winked at me.

"I'm touched." I bat my eyelashes at him & pouted sarcastically, if I could place my hand over my heart dramatically I would have.

He grabbed my wrists & lifted me to my feet before leading me through the house, looks like I was wrong, I was in some sort of panic room, I flicked my eyes around the house searching for Bree in the sea of newborns & when my eyes landed on her I nodded, she gave me a look of recognition. As they all fell in step behind us "I hope you can handle holding your breath some of this trip is going to be underwater-" Riley chuckled "that's if you're awake for it." I frowned confused & turned to roll my eyes at him as he balled his fist.

"Again?" I asked as it connected with my cheek, I felt a hot throb rattle through my face & that's when everything went black.

I came to with a jolt, my cheek stinging in protest to Riley's earlier assault "hold your breath, Swan. I can't have you dying just yet." I only had a second to scope my surroundings as he walked out to the deep end of the lake, I was back in Forks. I closed my eyes as I heaved in a massive breath & he pulled me under.

"Paul!" I shouted down the bond "we're here, be ready." I warned him.

"Already where Alice saw them arrive, loca. We're ready." He replied.

My lungs were burning under the weight of the water, I couldn't withstand this for much longer, though I didn't have to with them swimming at a vampiric pace water rushed around me the sheer pressure of it felt as if it might crush me. Riley pushed me to the two vampires from earlier & they grabbed one arm each as they lifted me out of the water & I heaved in the fresh air, my lungs protested at first but soon regained their strength as I was dragged through the forest, they stood behind a massive rock & let the other newborns climb up it the second they did I heard the sound of porsoline cracking, the sounds of the battle starting were brutal, screams & hisses, trees & rocks alike being smashed & cracked. I listened as we waited that's when we heard the growls, my captors frowned & tightened their grip on me.

"Did I forget to mention my boyfriend was a werewolf?" I faked innocence "oops." I chuckled, Riley went red with rage as he went to lunge at me but was stopped in his tracks by bright red hair, my words stopped in my throat as I took in her appearance from the back. She always seemed bigger in my head, like she was indestructible but I'd be damned if I wouldn't have tried "oh look, the happy couple is reunited." I seethed at her, Victoria turned & smiled at me sweetly but there was nothing sweet about it she was all predator as she winked at me & whispered in Riley's ear, I strained to listen over the noises of battle. Riley nodded & waved his hand at my captors, they pulled me towards the rock & jumped to the top of it.

As we came into full view of the clearing the cullens were stopped momentarily. My hair was stuck to my face with sweat and water from the lake, I let out a breath locking eyes with Emmet. He nodded to me as he took a step forward, the newborn on my left wretched my hair back exposing my neck to him & snarled at Emmet his mouth hovering inches away from my neck, you can't be healed with our venom again or you'll turn Carslile's words rang through my mind & my breath hitched. Emmett's face twisted into a cold expression as he took a step back with his hands up "we want Bella." the new born called to them.

Lunatic | Paul Lahote | Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now