Fathers lament

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  Alrich flew in a circle through the air above Ephriam. Throwing his hand out Ephraim tried to block the explosion, but failed to keep all of it at bay. Being sent flying Ephraim couldn't land with any measure of grace. Rolling harshly across the ground he came to a sudden halt when he slammed into a tree. "Agh, damn Mandalorians!" Working himself onto his hands and knees he heard the sound of crunching snow.

"It's been a long time since I've had to kill a man for wronging me." He moved to look up at him only to be kneed in the face. "It's been a long time since I've wanted to kill someone." Being hoisted up by his shirt's collar a fist connected with his face, then another. Being pushed into the tree he found himself on his knees he looked up at Alrich. "I've never wanted to kill someone so much... to make someone hurt."

The very moment, he began regaining his senses Alrich's knee connected with his chin. "For the first time in my entire life, I want to make someone suffer... I'll make you suffer." Again his vision began to clear. A feeling of danger overtook him, warning him. Throwing his hand out he launched Alrich into the air. The older man again relied on his jet back. "Your magic tricks won't save you! Not from me!" He yelled as he landed and pulled out his pistols.

Ephraim smiled at the older man as he got onto his feet. "That won't work on me." Pulling his lightsaber to him he rose to his feet. "Well, I won't stop you from trying." He strode towards him. Alrich remained still, watching as Ephraim got closer. Right as he got close enough to cut Alrich down he fired. For a moment, he smiled, happy to be rid of the troublesome foe. His smile changed quickly to an agape look when instead of a blaster bolt he was met with two stun rounds to the chest.

Dropping his saber as he toppled to the snowy ground he groaned. "Ugh, goddamn... you, mugh, sonofabitch." Alrich loomed over him. Simply watching him try to move. "Fucker, damn tricky Mandalorians." Alrich didn't acknowledge him as he spewed obscenities on the cold ground. Sensing danger again he tried to pull the force to him he failed as Alrich, Vibro knife in hand fell onto him. Stabbing him in the stomach.

Alrich didn't care about the punches he was taking. He didn't concern himself with the blood-curdling screams Ephraim was letting out as he dragged the knife across his stomach, gutting him. He didn't mind the profuse amount of blood gushing out from him, soaking into his body glove. He didn't care about the horrid smell of blood soaking into his clothes and him.

Finally finding the strength to use the force he latched onto Alrich's knife-wielding hand. Jerking the hand and joining arm into the air he snapped it into pieces. First at the shoulder, twisting it. Then the humerus was crushed, putting the arm at an odd angle. The elbow was twisted until a loud pop was heard followed by what sounded like crunching gravel. Then both the ulna and radius were snapped, leaving the arm completely useless.

Just as Alrich began screaming he was launched almost faster than the human eye could see across the small clearing and into a tree. The tree rocked as Alrich slammed into it. Snow fell from the limbs around him. His blood leaked from his destroyed arm and the back of his head as well from his mouth as he coughed up warm blood. He watched it steamed on the snow. He heard the almost trademark snap-hiss sound of a lightsaber being activated, doing his best to look up through bleary eyes he saw Ephraim stuff his innards back into himself and seal the wound with the weapon.

Coughing up more blood he focused on trying to breathe. Hearing the crunch of snow he looked up again to find Ephraim shuffle towards him. He stayed silent as he grew closer to him. The two men's eyes met as Ephraim loomed over him, both breathing heavily. "You should have just shot me." He rasped out, not looking away from Alrich.

"I'd say you deserve to suffer as much as the next Imperial dog. But that would be demeaning to them." Alrich huffed as more blood seeped through his mouth. "An exceptional effort. I can understand the reason behind it." Alrich scoffed at him, waving his hand in front of him. Dismissing his words. "Don't delude yourself. It's clear you never had it in you to be a father. Look at you! You find out your sons alive, and what do you do!? You hunt down his wife, only because you want his son! Not because you want to be sure they were safe! But because you're a selfish callus murderer bent on getting what he wants! Everyone else be damned!"

Ephraim didn't talk back. Didn't try to justify his actions. He simply sighed as he activated his lightsaber. "My son will kill you, you sonofabitch." Ephraim laughed at Alrich's last words. "You sons already dead." Alrich shook his head. "My youngest. My oldest will kill you." Ephraim squinted, remembering his knowledge of the Wren clan. "Ezra will kill. Make you suffer." The two men glared at each other for a moment, a final battle of wills between the two. "My ancestors are smiling at me, Imperial. Can you say the same?" Ephraim didn't say anything as he cut Alrich's head off.

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