Never again

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He felt warm. He was laying on something soft. 'This is nice.' He tried to move his arm but found it was pinned. "Mhm." Opening his eyes he finds Sabine sleeping on his left side. "Oh, we fell asleep." Feeling frayed he lifts Sabine with the force and frees his arm. Slipping from the bed he kneels and begins meditation.

The falling feeling of a vision overtook him. A loud siren blared, boots echoed against the hard durasteel floor. The vision shifted and now he saw stormtroopers waiting behind instant cover pop-ups. The commander was giving a briefing. "He'll be on us in a few minutes. Set blasters to full power, aim high, have your detonators primed and ready." Not a moment after he stopped talking a horrendous sound of metal rending and warping overtook all others. "He's here!" The door had been made into a steel ball and was unceremoniously dropped onto the floor. A tall man, clocked in a flowing black robe stood in the hallway. "Hello there." He spoke in a soft tone, surprisingly polite. He raised his head so they could see his eyes and their reddish-yellow twinge. "Are you ready?" He asked as a wild look of hate overtook him.

He was suddenly back on the floor in Sabine's room. "Ominous. To say the least." Rising from his spot he looks at the bed and finds it empty. "Where'd she go?" Leaving her room he makes his way back to the private dining room and finds Sabine and her family eating. "Ah, Master Bridger. You've finally resin. Sabine said you could be meditating for hours." Alrich's smile was as warm as usual. Ursa's was smaller but no less genuine. Tristan offered a small wave. Sabine waved him over to sit next to her.

"Master Bridger. I may approve of you being with my daughter but I must ask that you don't make a habit of taking her so brazenly." Ursa quirked a brow. Tristan coughed and exclaimed that he's eating. "Father! We did no such thing! He just told me about Attolon and Chopper base." Alrich's smile persisted. "Yes, I know, I simply couldn't help myself. Oh!" He rubbed his side after Ursa elbowed him. "Don't trouble the children so." Alrich sighed. "Of course dear. I Doubt they mind." She harrumphed at him. "And what if they take your words to heart, I do not wish to wait for grandchildren!"

Ezra felt Sabine internally deflate at her mother's words. "I feel ya, Sabine." He whispered to her. She smiled at him. "They've been like this for months now." She whispered at him, he nodded. Looking up from his small conversation with Sabine he looks to Alrich. "So, this is the resumed conversation Alrich?" The older man's smile broadened. "Well, the talk you had with Sabine and the part of the one she was having with Ursa that I had you eavesdrop on should have sated your curiosities and questions sufficiently. Yes?" Ezra couldn't help the glare he sent the older man. He felt like he was being given the walk around. "For now."

Sabine was surprised at Ezra's, to her, newfound aggressive attitude with her father. "Ezra, it's fine, I'll answer any questions you might have." She said quietly and took his hand hoping to calm him down.

He couldn't help the clenched fist, he just couldn't stand being kept in the dark. "I don't like it when someone gives me the walk around Alrich. If there's something I need to know, I want to know now, not when it pops up. I want an explanation for all this and I want it now!" He failed to realize that he was screaming at his host. Realizing that after a moment he deflated and sighed. "I'm sorry that I yelled just now. It's just, I, I don't want to be taken by surprise again." Again, Sabine took his hand in hers. "It's alright, Ezra, we understand. The last day or so has been horrible."

"Perhaps some physical activity will help soothe your nerves." Ursa spoke up, not wanting her, in her mind, soon to be son to be in low spirits.

Tristan cleared his throat. "Well, I've got a recon mission later today, you could come along if you'd like. Maybe if we're lucky you'll be able to give some imperials a good beatdown." Ezra smiled at the thought. "Yeah, sounds good to me. When do we go?"

"It's a night patrol we'll be looking for. So leaving at nine and coming back by three at the latest."

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