Chapter 8

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Scarlett Pov

We all head into church, momma and aunty H too, but also two girls I don't know and that other guys also

' OK now we're all here, first we'll do some introducing then get to the other stuff' Uncle steele says to all of us

' first off the 3 people you don't recognise are my son hunter steele, my daughter Camryn Leigh and my baby Alainia Raelyn, kids this is your aunty's Chantilly and Harlene and your cousins Scarlett Rayne and Charlotte Rae' he said as we all look at each other with shocked faces

' I remember you' both Hunter and Camryn say to our mommas as they walk over ans hug them everyone getting a little teary

' this must be the precious bundle that was still in the belly when we left all them years ago' my momma says hugging alainia

' yea sister that would be her' Uncle steele says...

Brantley Pov

I sat watching, I knew hunter from being in rides and stuff with him, but the two girls that walked in with him I thought I didn't know then I recognised them

' wait a minute I know you ladies, you ( pointing to camryn) your my man lukes wife and momma to lil Mr bo bryan' I say

' how's it going BG, yup you finally clicked, it only took ya all day' camryn says laughing at me giving me a hug ' luke won't be here till tomorrow' she says to me

' and you ms lainey get you butt over here' I say to her as she laughs hugging me

' I take it Mr swindell is coming in with LB too

' yea had a thing at St judes they couldn't cancel' she says to me

' well boss I should of guessed you would know my girls, and to now find out you know my other girls, your just intertwined all up in my family now huh' steele says laughing and shaking his head

' momma, Aunty Harlene this is brantley gilbert, boss meet my momma miss Chantilly Rayne and my aunt Charlotte's momma miss Harlene Rae' Scarlett says to me

' nice to meet both of you beautiful ladies, I see where your daughters get there looks from' I say sticking my hand out to kiss both of theirs

' oh cmon now young man we hug in this family' miss Chantilly says to me grabbing me in a hug ' and I know you  like my daughter, you haven't taken your eyes from here since you laid em on her this morning' she whispers to me, I slightly blush

I hug miss Harlene muttering ' just like my momma, I swear it's a southern momma thing'

' damn right it is, and their both just like our momma' steele says laughing...

' now that's all out the way we all need to sit down and re hash old shit' steele says

Scarlett Pov

As we sit down at the table, brantley pulls me into his lap on his seat next to momma, I blush a little

' Ok so all of us hear have all heard by now the events that happened 22 years that took booker and carsons lives ( he thumps his chest twice over his heart with his fist as does hunter) and that also made my two baby sisters have to go into hiding for their own safety and there girls safety, what ya'll don't know is about a month ago pops got word that the 3 remaining assholes that helped all that go down had resurfaced and knew that the girls didn't die, so pops and all of us started finding out info on them and what info they had, long story short, a week ago we got word where they we're hiding out and ambushed them, 2 of them got away but we got one, and lost pops in the process, one of the last things he made me and hunter promise when he was in hospital was that we find these fuckers and take care of the threat to our family finally, now that's when I found out where ya'll we're living, and then to find out that you know boss from sons of chaos' Uncle steele says as all us girls in the room have tears streaming down our faces, bg, hunter and uncle steele had tears in their eyes

Brantley hugged me to his chest as I cried and even wrapped his arm around my momma as she cried over losing her daddy and husband by the same awful men

Clearing his throat ' right so the boys from sons of chaos are gonna be keepin watch on you ladies when you go home and hopefully these fuckers show themselves, we will be a day or so behind ya' ll but only in pairs with no colours till we get to soc clubhouse and lay low till we can get em, now I know their after all the ladies in our family , not sure if they realise who my girls are but I know for sure you girls are safe with luke and Cole because of all the security ya'll have around you, so once everyone is headed home that's when our plan starts' Uncle steele says ' Hunter is gonna head out when you girls all head back to jefferson in a van with his bike in the back'

' brother if it makes it easier he can stay at my place in maysville, that way it don't look to suspicious if he goes and stay with the girls' brantley says

' good thinking boss' hunter says

' plus a couple of the boys live in town near my momma so they can always be on watch, so if we get Scarlett and Charlotte out to my place we can make out that their coming out for video rehersals' brantley says

' yea right video rehearsals, we'll call it that' Charlotte says under her breath, but not quiet enough that we all heard and laughed

Brantleys ears go a lil red as do mine

' well that's what I want to call it thanks niece' Uncle steele says trying to pull a mad face at Charlotte, then me and brantley

So we settled all the details after uncle steele told both clubs what was going on and they all agreed...

2 days later we left to go back to Georgia, with the sons of chaos and hunter leaving 3 hours after we did...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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