Chapter 3

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Note : Edited

Chapter 3

Next day

Scarlett Pov

I'm a little nervous about today, I mean the call last night was good but I can't hang around Brantley to long in case someone realises who me and Lottie are

Walking over the the meeting, they go over what's getting filmed today everything but the fight scene since BG for that done in one take ..

' yea sir he did' Lottie says whispering to me, I giggle which makes Brantley look over at us raising one eyebrow at us

Thanks God I don't have to be that close to Brantley today coz I dunno if I could help myself...

We watch him do his back flip and nails it, the rest of the day goes well and they call a wrap...

Brantley heads over to us, red cup in his hand again 'afternoon ladies how ya'll doin today' he says to us in a sexy flirty voice

We both tell him good and chat a bit then he gets called away, which is when Lottie notices the mc boys talking and glance over to us, ' Lettie gurl we gotta get like now' she says, I look at her and she nods a little and i get her drift

We start to walk away, ' hey pretty girl where you rushing off too' Brantley runs over to us

' sorry Brantley we gotta jet, talk soon ok' I say to him as we see ace approaching him looking at us a bit more intently

'brother where they going, they seemed cool, although they seem familiar to me I dunno why but they do ' ace says to BG

' I dunno man we had a great chat last night but as soon as I tried talking to her she got spooked or something' brantley says to him

I can feel his eyes watching me, and turns around, seeing what looks like hurt, confusion and something else in his eyes

' Lettie gurl we gotta get outta here mama and aunty c are waiting to see us and those mc boys are staring so it won't belong till the figure it out' she says to me

' I know Lottie, but he seemed so nice, wasn't a total asshole and just tried to get in my pants, grrrrr I hate this' I growl out as I toss back the drink in my hand

' I know gurl me too' Lottie says

' all this shit happened before we were even born, why should we have to suffer because some asshole tried to take out our whole family, and failed and yet we still gotta stay away from everyone who loves us and can't love anyone back' I say with tears in my eyes

I look over and Lottie is the same...

We pull up to Mama's house and head inside

We say hello and sit down and mama looks like she's been crying too

' mama what's wrong why are you crying' I ask her

' oh baby it's your papaw, he's been hurt and it's not good, they finally found out who was after us, some got away but papaw he got hurt real bad, we gotta go see him right away, so go home pack some stuff, including your mc stuff in case he doesn't make it's she says to me wiping her face and steeling her eyes to be strong

Lottie and I burst into tears as our Mama's hug us, we all get cleaned up, head home grab our stuff and head to the airport

All while this is going on Brantley is blowing up my phone wondering what's wrong and what he did wrong

He calls me and I finally answer

S, hey outlaw

B, hey pretty girl, are you ok, you left real quick like someone was chasing ya

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