Chapter 7

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Brantley Pov

We head back to the clubhouse after showering, coz I don't exactly wanna bring her back to her family smelling like cum, I think her momma, Aunty and Uncle wouldn't take to kindly to that

As we pull into the lot she seems apprehensive to get off my bike ' pretty girl, you ok there' 'yeah outlaw I'm ok, just felt like I was being watched earlier, even when we were at the room ' she says to me pulling her jacket around her more

I pull her towards me and wrap my arm over her shoulder ' dont worry pretty girl, I got you' I whisper on her ear as we walk back over to the club house

Most people had left and now everyone left was inside the clubhouse, we walk inside and are greeted with hugs and hand shakes

' BG we need to talk to ya for a few ok' Steele says to me looking towards Scarlett with a worried look on his face

We walk into the room they call church, Steele sits at the head of the table and I sit at the opposite end, respecting his club officers...

A knock at the door makes me turn around, in comes Hunter who is Steele's son, he sits down beside his dad to his left...

' Now boss, I know we asked ya' ll to keep an eye on my nieces when ya'll head home especially since she intertwined in your life some, but man serious now, what are your intentions with Scarlett' he asks me with a hard look on his face

' Steele, brother honestly I haven't known her all that long but I really do like her, like seriously like her, and to find out that not only is she my god daughters dance teacher, now my only stand out dancer and knows the biker side of my life, she is already so intertwined in my life that I can't help but want her on all levels. Friend, partner, lover, old lady, wife, mother of my kids whatever label we put on it... I want to be there for her through all of this, I want to protect her, defend her and all ya'll family, at whatever pace she wants to take it, I'm all in brother, I swear my life and my kutte on that' I tell him

They both nod at me, obviously happy with what I have said

Scarlett Pov

I noticed Uncle Steele and Brantley walking into church, but the door didn't shut all the way, the I notice another guy knock and walk in, he looks so much like a cross between Pawpaw and my Uncle

I silently got Lottie's attention and motioned for her to follow me over

We snuck over as to not draw attention to what we were doing

We leaned close to the door and I heard Uncle Steele ask Brantley what his intentions were for me and his answer made my heart race, my eyes water, my knees to weak and my kitty get wet all over again

I quickly drag Lottie away to a dorm room down the hallway, making sure noone was in it doing god knows what...

' hoooooooly shit Lettie girl, you heard what I did right' Lottie says, her eyes wide almost bugging out of her head

' umm... Well... Yea I did' I say not really knowing how to speak coherent words right now

' cuzzy, he really like likes you, I mean he just told our Uncle, the pres of an affiliated club, that he wants you for whatever you choose, you know as well as I do how much that means to him and both clubs, let alone swearing it on his kutte, I mean God damn if that was me I'd be like, show me where to sign, lock me up in hand cuffs and take me to bed right now' she says smirking as I blush and then my face changes

' what a damn minute girl, just what did you two get up to earlier' she asks

' Well I'm not going into to too much detail, and I swear if you repeat this I will tell everyone about your little crush you had' I say to her as she now blushes

Crossing her heart with her fingers ' I swear I will never ever tell a soul, on my life and daddy's kutte'

' OK well in small detail I found out how good he can use his tongue and tongue ring and he found out how good I am with mine, oh and he now knows about all my piercings' I say grinning from ear to ear

She looks at me ' damn you to hell miss L, you little hussy' hip checking me

' calm down Lottie, keep that up and I will never tell you anything again' I say crossing my arms over my chest, ' and I won't tell you that Brantley and his management want to make me his stand out girl for all his music videos, which means you will always be first pick too' I say to her as she hugs me jumping up and down

' omg omg omg cuzzie, that's awesome for you well and me too, that'll stick it to Alexandria and her minions' Lottie says laughing hard

Theres a knock on the door, it opens after we say come in and it's Brantley Uncle and the other guy

" Girls could ya'll come with us, I know we're all a bit emotional right now but there are some things that need to be talked about' Uncle Steele says to us

We nod our heads and follow the back to church...

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