Chapter 6

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Brantley Pov

' well pretty girl that wasn't exactly how I planned on starting off our relationship, but hot damn girl it was a great start' I say to her

' well how about we start this as friends with benefits, I mean I dunno about you Brantley but I don't think I could just be friends with you after that' she says to me

' pretty girl there is no way we could go back to just friends... I mean hell I'm having a hard enough time keeping my hands off you now and going further, but now is not the time for that, don't get me wrong it will happen soon just not right this minute... we'll just let it ride' I tell her tucking that dirty blonde hair behind her ear...

I get up to go get a warm cloth to clean us both up and find a pair of sweats to put on and toss her my shirt as she covers that pretty kitty with that  scrap of lace she calls a g string

We sit up against the head bored of the bed side by side as I run my hand down her face again

She leans into my touch as I run my thumb over her lips as I see the tears in her eyes that threatened to fall earlier

' baby talk to me, tell me what you can't tell anyone else, I know you have been holding on, so if you wanna crash, crash into me and I will ride it out with you'

Scarlett Pov

As he says those words the tears start and Lord I don't think there gonna stop

' I have been so strong for everyone, momma, aunty H, Lottie, uncle Steele, Camryn and the rest, but I can't do it anymore' I say to him trying to control the tears, my breath starts coming out in pants

' pretty girl just let the tears out first then try and talk, coz you ain't gonna be able to do both' he says to me holding me while I cry into his chest

After awhile ( really only a few minutes) I manage to stop the tears,

' I so sorry Brantley, I didn't want this to happen now but I feel safe with you, I mean we haven't known each other long but it's this sense of safety and knowing you get where I'm coming from' I say to him trying to apologize for breaking down like that

' no don't be silly baby, you let out want you need, let those walls down with me if no one else... That way we can learn about each other along the way' he says to me as he hands are rubbing my back

I started out telling him about my momma and everything that I knew happened and about pawpaw...

He told me about his mama and family, about his wreck at 19 and about his struggle with addiction which he has only just given up...

We jumped in the shower together, to save water of course, and he washed my hair and whole body and I him, nothing sexual about it, very sensual...

We got dressed and he took me back to the clubhouse ...

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