Chapter 4

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Note : Edited

Chapter 4

Next day


Scarlett Pov

We are in the car on the way to papaws funeral, Lottie and I both have black dresses on that reach mid thigh at the front and mid calf at the back, our black boots that go just above our knees with our dad's kuttes on, mama and aunty H have dresses below the knee, black boots just below the knee and our daddies leather jackets on...

We are in the car on the way to papaws funeral, Lottie and I both have black dresses on that reach mid thigh at the front and mid calf at the back, our black boots that go just above our knees with our dad's kuttes on, mama and aunty H have dresse...

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Chantilly & Harlene...

Chantilly & Harlene

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The girls outfit...

We all have black larges glasses over our eyes and minimal makeup, still gotta look good for papaw,

We pull up to the cemetery and there are hundreds if not thousands of bikes winding through the cemetery and out into streets surrounding

We get out and walk over to my uncle and his family hugging them tight, as I step back I feel eyes watching me more than just for the funeral, I look around and at first I don't see anyone and then I look again and swear I'm looking straight and none other than Mr Brantley Gilbert himself watching me through his sunglasses, ' oh shit ' I say under my breath, only Lottie and my uncle Steele hear me, ' what's wrong Lettie girl' Lottie asks me ' I swear I'm seeing things, but I swear I just seen Brantley' , she laughs about to say something when she spots him and his mc head over towards us ' No way, oh shit is right' she says to me as they stop in front of us

Brantley Pov

' miss Scarlett, miss Charlotte I'm so sorry for your lost ladies, your papaw was a great man' I say to them hugging Lottie first and holding Scarlett a little longer and tighter as I feel her start crying again I run my hand up and down her back trying to calm her down as ace and the boys hug Lottie and then Steele

' sh sh sh pretty girl I got you, your ok, c'mon let me see those beautiful eyes' I whisper in her ear as she settles a bit, wiping her eyes and looks up at me ' how do you know my papaw Brantley' she asks me ' I rode with him alot, but we'll talk later ok, just wipe those eyes and when this is over we'll talk ok I promise' I kiss her cheek step back, hugging Steele again and head over to my brothers heading up to the grave sight

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