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I heard Jay say quietly motioning his head towards the break room, I looked at him slightly concerned, I let out a slight breath before standing up from my desk and walking into the break room. Jay walked in behind me and closed the door, I raised my eyebrows at him, he folded his arms and looked at me sternly,

'why have you been avoiding me?',

My boyfriend asked me, I looked away from him truly not wanting to respond to his question. I let out a slight breath,

'I have been told to break up with you',

I said extremely bluntly to him, he walked closer to me and began to lean against the counter top. He looked at me extremely confused,

'y/n what are you talking about?',

Jay asked me, I let out a slight breath and walked over to window and closing the blind,

'Voight has made his preference for no relationships in the work place and it's even worse that he is my dad and the reason I'm in this unit; he said if I continue the relationship with you I could lose my place in the unit. Jay I love you but at the moment I'm just trying to find my own way as a detective and I can't do that if I have to go to another unit',

I said to Jay, he smiled at me,

'you love me?',

Jay asked, I nodded my head at him,

'y/n, we are not breaking up; this is how you can show your dad that you are your own detective. we aren't just together to fool around we're here for the long term'.

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