b r e a k

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I heard someone yell as they entered the building I was currently being held in, there was still a man holding a gun to me that was yet to be taken down. I let out a slight breath as I could hear them right outside the door, the door was kicked down and the man was immediately shot and killed. I let out a deep breath,

'you okay y/n?',

Voight asked me extremely concerned walking over to me and cutting my hands ties, I nodded my head at him not wanting to say anything. He looked at me slightly concerned,


He said to me again, I shook my head at him as I started to feel the tears swell in my eyes, I began to hyperventilate slightly,


I heard someone yell, I quickly realised it was Jay, he was fairly far away from me. I turned around to face him, shaking my head as tears began to fall from my eyes. Jay ran towards me,

'baby we've got you; I've got you',

Jay said said wrapping his arms around me as I slowly dropped to the ground. I gripped onto his T-shirt beginning to cry in to it,

'shh it's okay baby I've got you'.

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