t a s e d

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'to be able to use a taser and testify in court you must also be taser during this certification',

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'to be able to use a taser and testify in court you must also be taser during this certification',

The man said to us, I nodded my head just going along with what he had said,

'come on let's get this going',

Adam said getting annoyed, we all looked at him confused. The man ignored him,

'so you want to hit the suspect in the main body that includes shoulders, pelvis, abdomen or groin',

The man said, I tried to hide my boredom,

'so it's S, P, A or G',

The man said pointing to each specific area,

'yeah, yeah',

Adam said beginning to pace around, the man smiled,

'oh great a volunteer',

The man said before quickly tazing Adam in the torso. Adam groaned in pain and painfully and quite slowly hit the ground, I tried not to laugh but once I heard Jay laugh I quite literally could not contain myself,

'I wouldn't laugh too much you two, because you guys are next',

The man said, I quickly stopped laugh raising my eyebrows at him. Adam eventually got off of the ground, the man looked directly at Jay, I smiled at him,

'can I be the one to do?',

I asked somewhat a little too eagerly, the main nodded his head,

'sure can sweetheart',

The man said walking over to me and handing me the taser. Jay stood up and made his way over to the end of the mat, I moved so I was standing next to him,

'so baby the question is; where do you want it? s, p, a or g?',

I said hovering over each part, the rest of the team were saying g, but Jay was saying s. I smiled at him before lowering the taser,

'this one may hurt baby';

I said before pressing the button making contact with his groin, he grunted and slowly fell to the ground with Kevin's help. I handed over the taser to the man trying not to laugh,

'you okay down there baby?',

I asked smiling, he looked up at me groaning and holding his groin,

'I think you may have made me infertile but don't worry about that baby cause you're next'.

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