Update Complete

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A month passes on, and Roxy is still in her comatose state. The team all take turns to visit her in her recovery pod in hopes she'll awaken. Markus, who is working furiously to wake her up, monitors her vitals every hour on the hour. Shadow is by Roxy's side nearly twenty four seven, so nobody had a millisecond with Roxy alone, and his presence is uncomfortable for whoever visited, her parents included. Outside of Roxy's bed chambers, Silver is struggling to support both Amy and Shadow during this tough time, let alone have any time for himself. With Amy being overemotional and with Shadow trying to work out his own simplistic ones, Silver has bitten off more than he could chew.

This particular Friday afternoon, he is accompanying Amy to the medical bay. This has become a daily routine, along with Amy's bouquet of cheerful colours.  As they stroll down the hallways Silver watches as Amy fidgets with the bouquet. He's always admired her talent for 'beautifying,' although in this case it's been more of a way to cope with the situation, Silver can't help but smile to himself. At least Amy's way to cope is a lot more conventional than Shadow's. "She's got colour back in her face now." Amy grins, fidgeting with the satin ribbon wrapped around the stems. "Yeah, you're right, maybe she'll wake up soon!" Silver brushes a stray quill out of his eyes. "I sure hope so, things have been...quiet without her around." She giggles, and Silver joins in. "You're not wrong, but just because it's been quiet doesn't mean that it hasn't been interesting." His eyebrows raise as he shoves his hands into the pockets of his belt. "I agree with you on that, it seems like love is in the air around here." Amy places the flowers in the crook of her arm and beams back at him. "It's nice to see our friends happy. They deserve it, you know?" Silver lets out a happy sigh. "A thousand percent! It's kind of bittersweet watching Mimi grow up though. I can't help but still see her as this wide-eyed little cub who marveled at marshmallows." Amy's shoulders drop as she lets out a nostalgic sigh herself. "I know what you mean, I remember how she used to blurt out whatever English word she found interesting that day. She nearly got us in trouble a few times!" Silver's mouth widens in a loud laugh, and it echoes louder than his footsteps off the white tiled walls. "Oh my gosh, remember when she had that fixation on 'spoons?!'" Amy holds her hand to her forehead as her headband slips, quickly adjusting it. "Yes! Wasn't somebody arguing and she got so upset by it she just yelled: 'Spoons!' to get them to stop!" Silver can't help but become more animated as he recalls the memory. "That's right! It was Tails and Knuckles, I can't remember what it was they were arguing about but Mimi yelling 'spoons' was so funny we all forgot about it anyway!" The pair laugh again, feeling a sense of comfort while sharing a memory.

Unfortunately it's cut short when they arrive Markus' office. Amy's demeanor switches to solemn. Silver sees this, and mirrors her behaviour out of respect. Shadow and Markus are in their usual positions, Markus at his desk typing furiously, and Shadow standing next to Roxy's pod. Shadow's melancholy glare reflects off the glass of the pod, and nobody can tell if its because he's actually angry, or if he's concerned. Wanting to be polite, Silver knocks on the doorframe to the office, which startles the doctor. "Ah, come in kids, sorry I didn't see you there." Markus gestures them in with one hand while pulling his focus from the computer screen. "Not a problem Markus, we know you're working hard." Silver reassures him, letting Amy go through to the infirmary. "I appreciate your understanding son." Markus watches Amy place a hand on Shadow's shoulder before fixing the flowers. "How is Amy doing?" He asks in a low voice. Silver sighs and lowers himself into the office stool. "She's better. The flowers are a kind of comfort, but I know she's still worried." He explains, leaning up against the office wall and getting comfortable. "That's good to hear. This situation isn't your usual. But more importantly, how are YOU?" Silver is taken aback by the question. "I may be getting on now, but I've noticed that I've barely seen you by yourself these past weeks. You've been here for everyone else." The doctor peers over his glasses and folds his arms in a 'concerned dad' manner. "I..." Silver starts to get defensive, but decides against it. "I do feel overwhelmed..." Saying it out loud feels like he can now breathe easier. "I'm not surprised. Sometimes you're here four times a day but with a different person each time. Son, you need a break." Markus says in his own affectionate way. Whether he liked it or not, ever since Roxy went into her coma it was like he gained a gang of extra children. "I know. I just don't want to let anyone down. Especially Amy, Shadow and Midnight. They saw her seizing." Silver looks over his shoulder at Amy and Shadow. She's resting her head on his shoulder, and it seems that Shadow has finally understood he needs to have his arm around her to help comfort her. "You won't, Son." Markus' voice brings his focus back to him. "It's taken a while, but Shadow has learned how to help comfort a few others that have come in. Heck, even Tom and Macey were impressed when he left them alone for five minutes to use the facilities." Markus chuckles and slides his glasses back up his snout. "Go and grab some water and take a walk. Take some time for yourself, I'll hold down the fort here." The doctor gestures with his head in the direction of the door, and Silver gratefully accepts the invitation. "Thanks Uncle Mark. I appreciate it." He smiles, rises from his chair, and then exits without a sound. 

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