My Fair Shadow

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Amy Rose is the first to break the silence in Markus' office. Knowing that opening this can of worms was irreversible, Shadow's fists unclench. He lets out another sigh and begins to explain. "I thought that a kiss would bring back all of the memories, but I didn't think that it would overload her completely..." He puts his hand on the pod's glass, Roxy now laying there peacefully. Markus strides over and places a hand on Shadow, feeling guilty. "I'm sorry I got so mad at you before, son." He says, and Shadow's gaze does not move. "I know you're just concerned." Markus steps back, nodding to acknowledge that all is forgiven. Shadow sees this in the reflection of the glass. "I'll leave you two be for a moment." Markus understands to a degree the emotions that Shadow feels for Roxy. Looking back to the others in his office, Markus reassures Shadow. "I'll also make sure that the others know to keep their distance too." Adjusting his glasses on his snout, he notices that Shadow doesn't move from his stance. "Thank you. I'll come and talk when I'm ready." Shadow acknowledges that the Doctor is being compassionate, and Markus nods his head one last time before he exits into his office. Shadow listens to the footsteps on the tiles drone out before the sound of the door closing bathes him in silence.

Markus closes the sliding door to the infirmary behind him, and the others all stare in disbelief. "I was not expecting that, that was for sure." He says as Midnight pulls his swivel chair out for him. He slumps into it and rubs his forehead. "Engaged...I mean, how was that even supposed to happen?" Silver questions, dumbfounded like the rest of the room. "I wonder what their relationship was even like, there's only so much that the files from Dr. Robotnik can tell us..." Midnight adds on, placing her arm over the back of the chair and resting it on her father's shoulder. Markus reaches up to hold her hand and his thumb strokes hers, comforting them both. "I mean, even if they were to get married and all that, is there any way they could have, you know...had children?" Amy thinks out loud and everyone in the room starts to puzzle over it. Kyvin keeps quiet throughout this whole ordeal, shifting his weight from leg to leg and taking in the conversation. Markus shifts in his chair and then sits up straight to address the group. "I don't know." He states clearly in his most stern and fatherly tone, which stops all the excess chatter. "And unfortunately, I can't give you any answers right now. Not until Shadow is ready to talk or when Roxy wakes up. I suggest that everyone goes back to their rooms and gives them their space." Peering over his glasses, ensuring that everyone gets the message. "That sounds like the best option." Silver agrees with the aging doctor. "I'd better go and tell Sonic, he doesn't like being kept out of the loop." He adds, hinting for everyone to leave. "I'll come with you, he's going to need as much support as possible." Amy chips in. "We'd better find Knuckles too..." She sighs, the pair looking at each other for support. She's clearly worried, glancing at the pod and Shadow, then back to Silver. Silver smiles and places a hand on her shoulder, and the two of them leave after saying a solemn goodbye to everyone else.

Markus looks up at his daughter, who is still standing loyally behind him. "Honey, I have to stay here and log the events of tonight, are you going to be okay?" He asks, and Midnight is disappointed for a moment, opening her mouth to respond, when Kyvin pipes up. "I-I can take her back to her room if she'd like, Mr. Prower." Markus and Midnight come to focus on the shy fox, surprised that he'd finally spoken up. Confused for a moment, Markus squints at Kyvin over his glasses. "Wait...You're Malakai's son, aren't you?" He questions, and Kyvin responds by nodding his head hastily. "Yes sir." Sensing what is going on, he eases up on the young mobian. "Good man, your father." He grins and gives his daughter's hand a squeeze. "Well Sweetheart, it's up to you." Markus smiles and Midnight seems a little flustered. "I...I'll go with Kyvin, Daddy. I'll bring you some snacks and coffee later if you'd like." Midnight replies with a smile. "I'd appreciate that a lot, my darling." He says, taking his hand to cradle her cheek in his palm for a moment. "But don't lose too much sleep over this, It's important that that big, beautiful brain of yours gets all the rest it needs." He pinches Midnight's cheek, making her giggle. "I'll see you in a few hours, okay Daddy?" Midnight bends down to kiss her father on the cheek before standing next to Kyvin. "See you later, pumpkin." Markus smiles, beginning to turn back to his desk. As the two foxes head towards the door, Markus stops as he remembers something. "Oh, Kyvin?" He starts, Kyvin freezing solid for a moment. Feeling trepid as he turns to face Markus Prower, the most brilliant mind in the entirety of the G.U.N complex, and his crush's father. "Yes sir?" He manages to ask without stammering, a feat in itself. "You can call me Markus. 'Mr. Prower' and 'sir' make me feel old." Markus winks at the obviously petrified young fox, taking some enjoyment in watching him relax. "O-Okay... Markus." Kyvin says uncertainly with a shaky smile, before he begins to escort Midnight back to her room.

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