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The next day, all of the gang go about their business, completing missions and saving the day, protecting the city of Mobotropolis.

All except for Midnight, who stays back and plays the role of the dormitory housewife. Midnight loves her self-anointed role, it gives her a chance to practice a lot of things she likes to do, for example, cooking. She also loves to learn new English words to surprise the others with at the end of the day.

Midnight starts her day like any other Mobian in the morning, by waking up to greet the new day. She usually does this around 8:30 am. For some reason on this particular morning, she wakes up about two hours earlier than usual, at 6:30. Confused, the teenage fox stares at the ceiling for a few moments, curious as to why it isn't as light as it usually is. Once the confusion wears off, she decides to turn onto her side and check her alarm clock. It reads 6:35. Although it's early, Midnight is wide awake, ready to start the day without any chance of falling back to sleep. She throws back the covers and swings upright, stretching with a loud yawn. After, she jumps into her white fluffy slippers that Sonic gave to her as a Christmas present one year. She wiggles her toes inside of them and laughs as she adjusts her feet. After rising off of the mattress, Midnight turns around to make the bed. She smooths out the goose down covers, tucking everything into its rightful place on the bed frame. She admires her neat little bed, and fluffs up the pillows by giving them a good tug, arranging them on her bed in a comfortable way. It almost made her want to get back into bed, but she shakes this off.

Midnight switches to her next activity, which is to rummage through her wardrobe to pick the day's outfit. Midnight is a vixen who prides herself on two things. Her cooking skills, and her personal style. Thanks to being good friends with Amy, the real girly girl of the group, Midnight has picked up quite a few style tips. With Amy's approval, Midnight can put together a successful outfit that can turn heads, or catch the eye of any passerby for that particular matter. Searching through masses of amounts of clothing that she owns, Midnight sticks with a basic outfit for today. She tugs on some comfortable black fitness pants, and pairs it with an over-sized t shirt that Tails had gifted her. She chose this mostly because it matches her hair colour. Midnight loves this particular shirt due to its baggy fit and unique smell of car air freshener. She has no idea how or why the smell was there or why she likes it, but it suits perfectly. The neck area of this shirt is stretched quite a fair amount, probably due to her older brother's ears, which are larger than her own. Midnight lets it settle on an angle, exposing one lily white shoulder and the singlet/bra strap underneath,  giving the outfit an 80's flare. Happy with this arrangement, Midnight pulls on some white low-cut sneakers, and fiddles around with some light eye makeup. After applying a third coat of mascara and batting her eyelashes, Midnight ties her long, wavy hair up in a high ponytail. She knew that with thick hair like hers, it really needs to be out of her face for the day's activities. Content, Midnight skips out the door on her merry way, heading towards the communal kitchen for her early breakfast. On her way there, she bumps into Amy, who is on her way to a call-out in the city center.

"Good Morning Amy!"

Midnight chirps with a big grin on her face, and Amy looks rather surprised to see her. "Morning Midnight, you're up early today!" Amy answers with a shocked expression, stopping in the hallway to chat with her friend. "Yeah I know, weird right!" Midnight replies. "It must be something to do with the moon." She shrugs, the times of the moon usually mess with her sleeping schedule, so she puts it down to that. "Anyway, where are you off to this morning?" Midnight asks her friend, rather curious. She never really gets to hear about the missions the others went on until they were off-duty late in the evening. "Oh, only to central Mobotropolis. They just need a hand cleaning up after a fire, no biggie..." The pink hedgehog looks disheartened, and Midnight becomes concerned. Amy wasn't her usual self lately, and has been displaying some rather depressed behavior. Everyone in the group has noticed it too, even Knuckles had picked up that something wasn't right with Amy, and he gets confused when it comes to his own emotions. "Amy?" Midnight questions, and Amy looks up from the floor to acknowledge that Midnight is talking to her. "Yeah?" She asks solemnly, and Midnight becomes even more worried, encouraging her to take the plunge and ask the question.

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