𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐉𝐞𝐝𝐢 𝐊𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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She was young when her parents had been attacked, almost 5 but not quite. It happened quick, almost too quick. A few smugglers had ambushed the two, claiming it was for the rebellion, for money, or whatever excuse sounded the best at the time. No one knew why they were murdered, except her.

By no means were her parents' bad people, not to her at least. However, it was clear that his face and his past were enough to worry even the closest of people.

Her father was a clone trooper, one who had abandoned the republic, a deserter. To those who did not know him, who only made assumptions, had jumped to the conclusion based on looks that he was still working for or with the Empire. That was not the case.

As she grieved for her parents, the pain, agony and fear within the girl forced her to call out in ways she didn't understand and in ways many couldn't.

He heard her call, a man she would learn to call 'Master Windu'. While he was in hiding, he couldn't bite back the hope. He couldn't resist the call he heard within the force. 

He felt her pain, her untamed emotions through the force, he knew it was a risk to take her on but without the chance of another Jedi and without hope where would we be?

Once he had found her, he befriended her, taking her into hiding with him. Something he would only explain when she was older, for now it was a glorified field trip.

As the years passed, he taught her how to tame her emotions and understand them. How to wield the force, how to duel, and most importantly how to be a Jedi.

Though her journey began with pain, anger and confliction she learned how to tame her feelings. How to live unattached and to be at peace. As a result, her faith never wavered and as she aged so did her powers. She grew and learned, aging into herself and her understanding that her gift was not to be squandered.

Once she advanced from padawan to knight she was taken on small missions with her master, aiding to nearby villages or planets within the outer rim that called out in distress. From these missions she learned to be a better Jedi. Every day and every mission proving to be more and more rewarding, teaching her and guiding her to her path.

She was full of light, at times it felt as if a dimly lit candle, only gleaming on especially good days, and on the really good days, she could set the whole world ablaze with hope.

Today was not an especially good day, she could feel it in the air.

To her left her master was meditating, she thought aloud to him "is there anything we can do today? Are there any missions or villages begging for help?" it came out almost deadpan.

Her master laughed softly at her, "come sit with me, reach out and see."

She settled herself onto the ground beside him, her legs crossing onto the dirt getting herself into a meditative pose.

As she began to focus into herself, and the force she searched, looking out and into herself. 

 "It is calm today." He said, as he opened his eyes churning his head towards her.

"Calm? How can it be? I know the Empire is dead, but those imps still linger everywhere."

He could feel her nod beside her; she knew she shouldn't have brought it up, but what she would do for something interesting to happen. The past few days have been far too repetitive for her taste.

"Do not let your feelings of adventure distract you from your true purpose."

She nodded to the statement, opening her eyes and turning towards him, "can we practice form VII then?" He shook his head in disagreement, "you know how I feel about you learning Vapaad."

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