The Yule Ball.

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I did not know what to wear.

Trying on all sorts of dresses made me get really angry and frustrated as I could not find anything to wear. In the end I found one of Hermione's and wore that, I was so worn out.
As I walked down the staircase my brother Harry was standing waiting for Ginny I did not know what to do when Harry finds out who I was going with.

As I looked around the other side I noticed bleach blonde hair turning to face the staircase standing right next to Harry. He looked beautiful, gorgeous, very smart. His grey eyes looked up to meet me walking down the staircase. 

Harry was shocked. I didn't know if it was because of me wearing a pink dress or going with Draco, either way that's how the Yule Ball started.

It felt amazing to be with Draco. Everyone was starring at me especially Pansy. I didn't think Draco would of told her, however that's my opinion on her pug-face look that she was suited with all night long. Her dress was very pretty, although it was short.

All night long I was so happy, Draco seemed happy too. It was magical! I mean although being at Hogwarts how magical can you get? 

Well it is this:

-Going with Draco Malfoy (The most gorgeous boy in school!!!)

-Having a beautiful dress.


-And making Pansy jealous. LOL!

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