The Next Day...

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 It all started the next day. I woke up at 3 a.m. in the morning as I could not get to sleep. I walked downstairs into the Gryffindor common room where the fireplace was lit and the cushions all plumped where the caretaker, Filch had cleaned.

 However, he forgets to clean his dinner crumbs off the floor. While I decided to sweep the floor to make it shine, I heard footsteps out of the Gryffindor common room door. As I walked over the footsteps had faded away.

Just then, Ginny came downstairs, she looked like she had been crying. I asked her what he was doing downstairs this early in the morning and she replied with a sniffle, "Couldn't sleep." I offered her a glass of water and a blanket where she sat amongst the fireplace. I was going to try and have polite conversation with her, but she started to talk first. I was astonished of what she said to me.

She turned round to me and said, "You like Draco, Harriet. Don't you? Look, I know you do. Why don't you just ask him out? I have already told Harry you should if you like him that much." I knew me and Ginny did not get on but I felt she was actually trying to help me with my situation of liking Draco Malfoy.

I replied back to her in a calm tone, "He dose not even like me, Ginny. What is the point." Ginny tried to actually comfort me and told me she had a plan. I was not looking forward too this plan what she had put together, but she seemed she wanted to help me...
The sunset had just arrived and me and Ginny had gone thought he plan of what I had to do.
It actually seems like this plan was going to work!

Ginny's plan was really interesting and by far the best plan I had seen her ever create. She told me June was a special month for Draco as it was his birthday this month, which I already knew but I did not want to tell her just in case she found it creepy that I knew when his birthday is. (How did Ginny know anyway?) 

Ginny told me to get Draco a special present and put a card on the front but not put my name on, which I thought was a little dumb as how would he know who the gift was from, but anyway I still followed on with Ginny otherwise I thought I would get lost.

later that day, Ginny can to Hogsmeade with me where we got a snake ring for Draco's gift. It was beautiful, shiny and also very silver, which is Draco's favourite colour, as I knew I had heard him talk to Pansy about it.

I thought that Ginny was actually being really nice and helpful. For that one day I loved spending time with her. Eventually, me and Ginny thought we would stop to get a butter beer, although when we sat down, there was tension in the air. I could feel it. Next thing I knew me and Ginny realised who we hat sat in front of. 

It was none other than Draco, Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle. I told Ginny that we should leave, however she insisted to stay here.
All the time we where sat there Draco kept smirking at me. I did not know what to do. He eventually came over to are table and asked if he could have a word with me. Ginny told me to go.

As I walked out with Draco, his had started to shake, his face was going stone pale. I asked him what is it that he wanted from me. He turned round, eyes following mine, hands shaking. He eventually got to what he had been wanting to say after five minutes, and that was "Look Potter, I'll stay away from you if that's what you want. I just asked you to the Yule ball as a nice gesture and so you got out of going with Weasley" I wanted to cry. I knew who has threatened Draco to say this to me. 

That person was my one an only brother, Harry Potter.

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