Harry being sweet?

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It had been a few weeks and there where still people making comments about me and Draco. Draco seemed to let it go, but I was more upset that people still thought that Draco was a bad person.

Most of the day, when we had not got any lessons going on, me and Draco would go to the Gryffindor common room to get away from everybody's assumptions. It was alright being together in the common room, but it felt odd, like we where still being pushed out every conversation, even Fred and George did not like Draco being in the common room and they where the last people I thought would care.

Hermione still was a little shocked that I had got back together with Draco, but she really wanted me to be happy and she knew that I was with Draco.
I still was working on Ron, as he was being quite rude to Draco, which got me all angry, which then set Draco off, because he just could not stand the thought of Ron calling him names when he was a Weasley.

However, I did have to start having words with Draco when he started his old tricks of calling the Weasley family poor or that they all slept in one room, which don't get me wrong, even when he was rude, before we even first went out, that is what made me fall in love with him, but I also wanted Ron to be happy for me, so I thought it was the best way to get round the whole thing.

Harry was another person that kept out of the way of me and Draco, but he then started speaking to me and then also involved Draco into the conversation, although, I get lost through Harry's conversations that he has with us, they just all drag on for ages, well for five or ten minutes.

On this particular day though, Harry was being really odd with Hermione.
They did not speak to us or not even notice we where there, until, Harry told me and Draco to meet him near the Quidditch pitch.
Draco and I walked together, hand in hand, down to the Quidditch pitch.

 I was shocked of what I was seeing...

Harry and Hermione had set up a romantic date for myself and Draco.
It was amazing and so sweet of him to do this for us.
Draco was also in shock, as they then told us that after the meal they had prepared for us, they then had another special surprise for the two of us.

The meal they had cooked for me and Draco was a beautiful fresh salmon, with roasted vegetables and then also a chocolate fountain, made with the chocolate frogs that we both love, which was also supplied with strawberries.

I asked Harry what he had planned next, but we soon found out, when Hermione grabbed my arm and Harry grabbed Draco's. Hermione then blindfolded me and took m e somewhere that smelt familiar, It all of a sudden went so quite. I was really scared of what was going on behind the blindfold and also where Draco was.

Hermione took my blindfold off and the next thing I knew was that I was standing on a stool, facing Draco, who also was standing on a stool, with crowds of other Hogwarts houses watching us.

Harry then told both of us to turn around, where we then saw Trixie and Luna holding up and banner saying: "A Gryffindor who is in love with a Slytherin!" At the back of the picture was a photo od Draco and I.

It was beautiful...
The crowds of houses where cheering, however some where booing. Trixie then started to shout "Kiss her, kiss her!" After she said them four words, everybody was chanting it. Draco stared at me and I looked at him, smiling.

He then slowly swaggered over and then said, "Let's give them what they want!", winking at me. I knew what he was meaning, so I smiled back to say yes and then, Draco kissed me in front of the whole school.

Everybody started clapping, while some others where congratulating me and Draco, while Fred and George finally set fireworks off, shaped like a lion for Gryffindor and a snake for slithering with a pink love heart around them both. 

I was so happy that me and Draco could be ourselves again, in front of everybody now and not have bad comments behind out backs.
My brother and Hermione was defiantly the best friend's in the whole wide world!

What can I say, a Slytherin and a Gryffindor can be together!

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