Why does a Prince always need a Princess?

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Days transformed into long, draining weeks and Malfoy had not been seen anywhere.

I was so sure that he would be okay but the last time I saw him, he was in a complete state.
I really desperately wanted to go to the hospital wing just to glance a look at his beautiful face, but I told myself not too. Harry would be so disappointed in me, but I couldn't help it. I was so angry at Harry, I barley even glanced at him at all. I was so distraught at what he had done to Malfoy, there was no stopping me being mad at him.

Malfoy really got to me, not just because he was in hospital, it was also because part of me thought I should make things right between myself and him.
As I walked out of my transfiguration classroom, I was then startled by a voice. I was sure that I had heard this voice, but there was part of me that did not. 

When I finally was able to get up, because whoever bumped into me had knocked me down onto the floor which had made me splatter all my belongings over the place. I tried to gather up everything I had lost on the floor, but then suddenly there was a hand placed onto mine.
I quickly shot my head into the direction the hand was placed to see if it was Malfoy. I had a massive shock when I found out who the hand belonged too! It was no other, than the Hufflepuff himself, Cedric Diggory.

He glanced into my eyes, so that they where locked with each other so I could not get out of not speaking to him. He smiled with reassurance and kindly lifted me up to get my balance. I was still in shock, my eyes still locked to his. I did not know what to say, until I opened my mouth and blurted out something like Malfoy would say, "Watch where your going, Diggory!"

I could not believe I had sad that, but it showed me how much I was in love with Malfoy and how much he was in my head as I had started to speak like him, which probably was not the best thing to start doing.
He turned around to say something back to me, but by then I had already noticed something that I never thought I would witness again.
My eyes had broken the lock of Cedric's eyes and where then turned by something near the courtyard.

There was he, Draco Malfoy looking his best as usual, with a sheik black new suit with a shiny black leather tie, with his new girlfriend, Pansy, who was also getting quite comfortable around him and his parent's. I was shocked and distraught of how quickly he had moved on, but then the whole story got a lot load bigger.

There was Pansy, looking extremely happy, while Malfoy on the other hand was kneeling on the grass holding up a gold engagement ring.
Draco's mother and father where looking so pleased with themselves as Lucius tapped Draco's left shoulder where he then shook hands like he had just won an award for proposing.
I started to feel cold running tears that seemed to be making a puddle on the floor, where I was then greeted with a loving and reassuring arm, by Hermione who noticed what I was crying for.

I started to get louder with the crying and all the students of different houses stated to stare at me, while Pansy just was laughing, knowing she also had achieved a great big deal and that was one, getting to marry Draco and two making me feel rotten.

As I looked up on last time at the bleach blonde his eyes caught onto mine where he could see the sadness being drained into me.
I guess I would have to get used to this by now, because a prince always has to be with a princess.

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