The beginning of a tale

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It had been a few years ever since the defeat of Diesel 10. At the castle, a girl who looked like she was 7 years old looked out of the window of the castle. The girl's name was princess Diana. She was the eldest daughter of Thomas and Lady. She wore a pink skirt, a purple shirt and a brown jacket over it. She was a bit like Lady except she had Thomas' eyes. She was an adventerous princess who always liked to explore what's outside the kingdom. But her parents wouldn't let her because they said it was too dangerous to go outside of the kingdom. One day in the castle, Diana was with her younger brother, Simon. She was talking to him about sneaking out of the castle. They got past the guards and almost went to the drawbridge when Simon stopped her.

Simon: Diana! We aren't allowed to go outside. Mom and Dad told us.

Diana: Come on little bro. Stop being such a chicken.

Simon just clucked imitating a chicken. Diana got annoyed.

Diana: Simon. Don't you want to see what's outside the kingdom?

Simon: Well I do. But what if Mom or Dad catch us? They might get pretty mad.

Diana: Pft. I'm not scared. And besides Dad isn't home yet. He has to work on sodor. With his team.

Simon: Are you talking about the legendary steam team?

Diana: Of course I am. I want to see Uncle Edward, Uncle Henry, Uncle Gordon, Uncle James, Uncle Percy, Uncle Toby, Aunt Emily, Aunt Nia and Aunt Rebecca.

Simon: Ok. But still we shouldn't worry our mom.

Diana: Just a minute outside. I promise.

So the two got outside and saw the beautiful country side.

Simon: Wow it's beautiful. I had no idea this was outside of the kingdom.

Diana: If you like this you will like the island of sodor.

Then they played out in the field. They were having so much fun when suddenly, a bear came out and scared the two children. They saw that they were standing near the bear's cave and she looked very unhappy.

Simon: Yikes! A bear! What do we do?

Diana: Don't worry. I got this. Leave my brother alone you big bully. Or else I will...I will...

But before she could say or do anything else, a bright light of gold shone, the bear just ran away in fear. Then Daina and Simon looked behind them and saw their mother Lady. She looked disappointed with the two children.

Lady: Meet me and your father in the castle library now.

And with that Lady left in a sparkle of gold dust. Diana and her brother were very worried now.

Simon: Do you think we might be in trouble?

Diana: I think we are. I just hope mother and father understand it was for a good cause.

At the library Diana and her son saw their parents at the front door. They looked very unhappy with the kids.

Thomas: What were you two thinking? Going off like that. You could have injured yourselves. Or worse, you could have gotten killed.

Lady: Explain why you went outside without our permission.

Diana: It was my idea mom and dad. I have been doimg nothing but be in the castle for 7 years. I want to explore what's outside of the kingdom. Even see the steam team again. I haven't seen them since I was really young.

Thomas: I understand. Where did I hear that from?

Lady: Listen here young lady. You should know that you aren't ready to go outside. It's just too dangerous.

Thomas: Hey dear. I have an idea. How about letting Diana come with me to sodor next week. She does need to start school soon.

Lady: Ok honey. Just don't let her out of your sight she can be a little restless.

Thomas: Yeah I know. I think she gets that from me. Remember how I said that I wanted to see the world?

Simon: You told us that story when we were little. Can you tell us a story before we go to bed?

Thomas: Oh alright. Actually I told you stories for too long. Polly do you want to tell them?

Lady: No I don't want to. I would love to.

Diana: What is this story about?

Lady: It's about how your father saved me and the magic railroad the first time.

Thomas: Take it away.

Lady: Well it all started long ago when Sir Topham Hatt was on holiday.....
(2 hours later)
Lady: And then after I took Lily, Patch, Mutt and Burnett back to Shining Time, Thomas went home knowing that we will meet again. And that's how Thomas and Lily stone saved me and the magic railroad. And the moral of this story was that little people and engines can do big things.

Thomas: Hey! That's my line dear.

Diana: Wow. I had no idea you did that Thomas.

Thomas: Well to be honest, it was Lily who figured out the riddle of the gold dust. I just helped Lady escape.

Lady: But you did a fantastic job Thomas.

Thomas: Thanks dear.

Lady and Thomas share a quick kiss before they looked at their kids.

Thomas: Now it's bedtime for you two.

Simon: Goodnight Dad. Goodnight Mom.

Lady: Goodnight sweetie.

Thomas: Tomorrow Diana, I am taking you to Sodor for the first time before you start school next week. Now get a goodnights rest. 

Diana: Oh I am so excited. I can't wait to see my uncles and aunts. Goodnight.

Thomas and Lady: Goodnight.

When Diana went to bed, Thomas and Lady looked with worry.

Thomas: Sometimes your daughter worries me.

Lady: She actually sounds a bit like your daughter.

Thomas: Touche. I just hope she won't cause any trouble in the future.

Lady: I know how you feel. But ever since the crisis with diesel 10, you were getting more worried and less cheeky. Is everything okay darling?

Thomas: No honey. It's just, I hope that there won't be a threat harming our daughter or the other's children.

Lady: Maybe one day a new generation will walk in yours and the steam team's footprints.

Thomas: Only time will tell Polly. Only time will tell.

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