Building a tree clubhouse funny times and a silver surprise

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One Saturday morning when Thomas took Diana back to Sodor for a playdate, she saw her friends waiting at Knapford, she was very happy.

"Hi everybody."

"Hi Diana." the little steamers greeted.

"Okay I'll leave you guys to it. Just remember to stay safe." Thomas told the kids.

"Yes Thomas, we will."

"Good. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a passenger run to do."

And Thomas got to his engine and puffed away. The little steamers were bursting with excitement.

"So what should we do now?" Jefferson asked.

"How about that treehouse?" suggested David, and everyone agreed.

"Wait where do we build the treeclubhouse?" asked Grace

"Hey I have an idea, how about in my Dad's forest?" Abigail suggested and everybody agreed.

"But Henry's forest is such a long way away." Freddy pointed out "How are we supposed to get there?"

"I believe I can help with that." Diana said "Everybody hold hands." And the little steamers held hands with each other confused.

"Okay how are you going to take us to Henry's forest?" asked Laura

"You'll see." Diana replied and she took out a whistle and blew into it just then gold dust flew out of the whistle and transported them to Henry's forest.

"Wow how did you do that?" Asked Noah in amazement.

"Gold dust." Diana answered "My father and mother use the gold dust whenever they need to get somewhere quickly. They gave me this whistle on my 6th birthday and the gold dust's magic gave my dad and the steam team magical powers."

"Like what we saw in the other forest with my dad transforming into an opossum?"

"Yeah like that."

"Wow I didn't know our parents were such a big deal. I mean they did take down that maniacal diesel 10 no offense David." said Austin

"None taken." David assured

"Well anyway let's build ourselves a treeclubhouse." Diana said

Everyone got to work. Austin, Abigail and Freddy got the materials they need. Laura, Jefferson and Noah measured and built the treehouse. And Diana, Grace and David did the inside of the treeclubhouse. Soon it was complete, and everyone thought it looked beautiful.

"Wow. We really out done our parents this time guys." Grace commented

"We certainly did Gracey we certainly did." Jefferson agreed

"Well what are we standing around here for?" Asked Noah "Let's go up and have some fun."

And everyone did climb up the ladder and went inside when they got in, they were really surprised, the treehouse looked a little small on the outside and it looked like a mansion on the inside.

"When you said we really outdone our parents Gracey you forgot to mention that we really outdone ourselves as well." Austin said "These weren't exactly what I had in mind but hey who cares. What should we do first?"

"That depends," Diana said "Do you want to play dress up in the walk in wardrobe of wackiness, the twister thunderbolt theatre with quick quippy drippy gags or do you want to do the dive in theatre?"

"How much stuff is in here anyway?" asked Freddy

"Oh you know, like the laughing laboratory, the gyrosphere, the kooky kitchen, the petting zoo spoiler alert don't feed the animals, amazing arcade game galore, romantic row boat ride, singing stage, reading library, cowboy corner, and Uncle Gordon's stinky sock collection." Diana listed the others jaws just dropped at Diana. "Well let's go to the thunderbolt theatre first."

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