The parents get captured and a deep sleep

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Diesel 500 started off the battle by using his claw like a grappling hook and grabbed Percy's leg.

"Hey! Let me go!" called Percy

"If you insist." said diesel 500. And he threw Percy toward Emily. Emily caught him.

"Man for an old man he sure packs a punch." commented Percy

"Don't you know that it's not nice to disrespect your elders?" asked diesel 500.

"Maybe but you aren't my grandpa." retorted James and he used his echo power.

A/N: Note the number of echo clones depends on the number of *

****"Let's make some noise."****

And the echoes made a loud sound but Diesel 500 just used a whistle to muffle the sound. Then he blasted James.

"Dad!" Called Freddy and Laura

"Stay back kids." said Emily, "We don't want you hurt."

"Nia, Rebecca, watch the kids. Steam Team time to use the rainbow magic." said Thomas

The steam team used their Rainbow Power. James copied Gordon's super speed and tried to pull a fast punch on Diesel 500 but he got tripped by Damian's claw that fired a tripwire. James fell on his face.

"Ow. That was a wierd trick." said James

Then he felt a shock of electricity that left him out cold.

"James! Come on Edward, psychic time special." called Gordon

The two fired a psychic and time beam. Diesel 500 used his indestructable claw to clamp the power and send it right back at them.

"Look out!" shouted Gordon, but it was too late. Edward was blasted by his own psyshock and Gordon got blasted by his own time beam. Rendering them unable to continue.

"Gordon! Edward!" exclaimed Percy. "Now he will really get it."

"Percy tried stomping on diesel 500 but he got a pin and poked percy's foot making him yelp in pain as he fell down.

"Percy! You almost crushed us!" said Henry

"Sorry something pricked my foot." said Percy.

Henry looked and saw that Percy's foot was indeed pricked. Henry pulled it out and sniffed it.

"It's a tranquilizer." said Henry, "You might get drowsy."

Percy tried to stand up but he was too tired and stayed where he was.

"Percy!" exclaimed Emily, "Four of our team mates down and the old man is still sstanding?"

"This is getting embarassing." said Henry.

"Come on guys. We can beat this guy." encouraged Thomas, "Besides how old could he be to beat us up?"

"Oh I think I am about 700 years old now." answered Diesel 500

"700 years old!" exclaimed Henry, "Wow. You really are old."

"What did I tell you about disespecting elders you whippersnappers."

"Never mind that the point is how are you defeating the rainbow magic?" asked Thomas

"Simple," answered Diesel 500, "I know all your weaknesses and put them into my claw."

"We beaten your great great great grandson, and we will defeat you."

"I doubt it." retorted diesel 500, "say goodnight steam team."

"You children get to safety," said Nia, "we will help defeat this enemy."

The children ran away. They went to a hidden grotto. Nia and Rebecca joined the fray but it was no good. Diesel 500 had a device in his hand.

"What are you doing with that?" asked Thomas

"I'm so glad you asked." said Diesel 500 and he threw the can at the team and it exploded and sent a sleep shock wave that covered the entire world.

"" asked Thomas drowsily.

"The can had some of that residue of the machine that hypnotized sodor and brittain." explained Diesel 500, "I found what's left of the enhancer and improved it. Now the entire world is at my command."

"Not...if...we...have say...about that." said Nia

"And who is going to stop me?" asked Diesel 500 mockingly, "you?"

"No our children will stop you." said Rebecca as she went to sleep.

"The children? Pah!" scoffed Diesel 500, "if the parents aren't enough to stop me, what makes your children? Weaklings. But if they are around I will stop them."

"Good luck with that." said Thomas cheekily, "The little steamers and your great great great grandson are somewhere you will never find them." And with that Thomas and the rest of the team went to sleep. Diesel 500 looked around his surroundings but he didn't see the little steamers. He was cross.

"Where are the children?" wondered Diesel 500, "doesn't matter, once I dispose of them. And then I will make this world all mine. But first, I need to put you ten in a safe place."

Diesel 500 took the steam team to his lair. Meanwhile, the little steamers were at a grotto just outside the Kirk Ronan Branch line. They were shocked at what happened. David felt guilty because he felt like it was all his fault.

"I'm sorry guys, if I had only tried to stop my 4x great grandfather, your parents wouldn't be captured." he said in sadness.

"It wasn't your fault," said Grace, "you didn't know that Damian was your great grandfather."

"But where are we?" asked David

"We are at the grotto that's just before the magic buffers to the magic railroad." answered Diana

"Oh yeah." said Jefferson, "We remember that one time at school where you told us about the grotto."

"I think it's time we payed my mother a visit." said Diana.

"But how are we going to get through the magic buffers?" asked Abigail

"Easy," replied Diana and she gold dusted away and when she came back, she was driving Thomas' e2 engine.

"All aboard." called Diana

Everyone got on the e2 and Diana drove the engine through the buffers. Everyone was amazed at Diana's home.

"Wow Diana," said Noah, "this is beautiful."

"Yeah, why our parents kept this place a secret we will never know." said Freddy.

"There's the castle." said Diana. And she stopped the engine. The little steamers knocked on the door. "Mom! I'm home."

"Coming!" called a voice. And there standing in front of the little steamers is Lady. "Ah children welcome to my humble abode. What seems to be the trouble sweetie?"

"An old man named Diesel 500 kidnapped our parents and sent the entire world into a deep sleep. He also took your husband, my father away."

"What!" exclaimed Lady

"We'll explain everything." said David.

And the little steamers told them all about what happened and the silver dust.


Here is another cliffhanger. I'll tell you what happens next chapter as soon as I find more time. Toodle-oo.

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