The trap and some old dogs with new tricks

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The little steamers arrived at Vicarstown.

"Ugh. It's so creepy and disgusting." remarked Laura.

"You took the words out of my mouth, sis." said Freddy

"Never mind. We have to save our parents." said Diana, "Come on."

The little steamers looked around but they didn't know if it was the right way.

"Diana, are you sure you know where we are going?" asked Abigail.

"Of course I do!" said Diana. "Just give me a second to track my mom's gold dust."

Meanwhile the diesel family watched from the shadows.

"Why don't we attack them now?" asked Diesel 10.

"Patience." said Diesel 100. "They have magic now. We can't risk it, even with our enhanced technology. Here is the plan, after we get David away from his 'friends', we separately attack the little steamers."

"Well that might work, except for one thing uncle." sneered Diesel 15.

"Oh and what would that be nephew?" asked Diesel 100.

"Once we capture that traitor, who will take on who?" asked Diesel 15.

"Well I guess we draw cards." said Diesel 10.

"Don't be ridiculous brother." said Diesel 12. "How will cards help us decide?"

"It's simple you simpleton of a sister." insulted Diesel 10. "Each of these cards has a shadow of one of the little steamers. We draw the cards and there you have it. We will find out which of us gets to take on which child."

So they agreed. Diesel 10 drawed first and he got the shadow of Diana. Diesel 12 got the card with the shadow of Abigail. Diesel 9 drawed and he has to take on the twins. Diesel 50 will battle Noah. Diesel 13 got the card with Austin's shadow on it. Diesel 25 had the card with Jefferson's shadow on it. And Diesel 15 was the one who was going to battle Grace.

"What do I do?" asked Diesel 100 who didn't get a card.

"You capture my traitorous son and the girl from india." said Diesel 10.

"No fair." grumbled Diesel 100.

"How about this," offered Diesel 12. "After you are done kidnapping those two, you can help Daniel here take care of the princess."

"Sounds like a good plan." said Diesel 100.

"Then it's settled." said Diesel 50. "Alright, let's put phase one into motion."

The little steamers were still looking around, when Noah saw a house.

"Hey, that's odd." said Noah, "Who would put a house in a creepy place like this?"

"Wait a minute," exclaimed Diana. "I am picking up my mother's mana in that house."

"You think this could be a trap?" wondered Jefferson.

"Oh I bet it is a trap." Freddy said.

"Do we have much choice?" asked Laura.

"Well, Shall we?" nudged Hemani.

The little steamers walked up to the house and stopped at the door.

"Allow me." said David. "Knock knock."

"Who's there?" asked a voice.


"Dot who?"

"Dot a doorknob so we can get in?"

Then the door opened but to the little steamers' surprise, no one was even at the door.

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