The new member and the evil plot

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At the castle, the little steamers were explaining to Lady all about how they got their magic powers and how they met diesel 500. Lady was shocked when they finished.

"And so we end up here to ask for help mom." said Diana

"I see." said Lady, "so tell me. How did you get magic?"

"Well Auntie, we saw silver dust when we were having a snack in our treehouse." replied Noah, "next thing you know we all have magic like our parents."

"Where did this Diesel 500 take the steam team?" asked Lady.

"We don't know." said Freddy, "Our parents told us to leave so we wouldn't get hurt."

"I have a hunch that Damian is going to Vicarstown." Guessed Jefferson, "Since he is David's 4x great grandfather, I am guessing that's where he is."

"Then that's where we are going." Declared Diana.

"Oh no you're not." Objected Lady. "I don't want you 9 hurt. You stay here in the castle."

"But auntie." begged Noah, but it was no good

"Buts are for sitting. I'm going to Vicarstown by myself and get the steam team out of there."

"But that's suicide Mom!" Said Diana. "Diesel 500 might kill you as well."

"It might be risky but remember, I have the gold dust. I can just gold dust in and out."

"Please reconsider." Pleaded Abigail.

"I made up my mind." Lady said, "stay here and stay safe."

And with that Lady left leaving the little steamers alone. After a few hours, Diana hated staying home. She went over to the door.

"Diana! Where are you going?" asked Laura

"I am going to save the steam team."

"But Lady said." Noah pointed out but Diana just said no.

"So my mother could get killed. I have to get to the steam team before her."

"Well you can't go without us." said Austin

The little steamers all got up. They agreed with Austin. They wanted to help their parents. Diana was so happy that she had good friends. And they went out. Diana took the little steamers through the magic buffers and soon they were back on sodor.

"Alright. We think our parents are in Vicarstown," said Grace, "So maybe that's where we should start."

"Good idea Gracey." said Jefferson.

They went off to Vicarstown when all of a sudden, they heard someone crying for help.

"Someone needs help." said Noah,

"Guys our parents." said Diana

"I promise it will be quick." said David.

Then they went and saw a girl about their age. Then they saw someone going to hurt her. Freddy stepped up.

"Hey leave her alone." said Freddy.

"Or else what? The boss put a bounty on that girl." said the thug.

"I warned you." said Freddy. And he showed his four arms and pummeled the thug. Then he turned to look at the little girl. "Hey kid are you okay?"

"Yes." said the girl. "How did you take care of that meanie?"

"Oh just some silver dust." said Freddy and the others came to view. "By the way, I'm Freddy. This is Diana, Noah, Jefferson, Abigail, Austin, David, Grace, and my twin sister Laura. What's your name?"

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