two originals + surprise!

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I have two new original books up:

Driver's License: It's on my profile and yes it's based on the song by the amazing Olivia Rodrigo. Don't worry there are many twists and turns and no, it isn't cliche.

We Should Be Lovers Instead: On my profile, it's about a situation that happened to me where a bestie doesn't show their feelings and they finally confess and have to read it.

I hope you go and read them and I hope you give feedback. If you do,I hope you love it!


Now for the surprise! I am working on the alternate ending for this book that many of you wanted!! It's coming, that's a promise. Also, I'm thinking, THINKING about doing a sequel with the alternate ending. 

IF I did it, it would be called Stuck with U. Yes, like the song.

So, after y'all read the alternate ending tell me whether you'd be down for it.

that's all!


 THANK YOU for reading this book and for all you who stuck through the slow updates, crappy and choppy chapters, and this over all hella crap-hole book that is weirdly my most popular. Lyyyyyy!

d! (I changed my signature)

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