chapter 7 | zendaya

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Pov - Z

I wake up with my legs tangled up in his. I gently remove his body parts from around mine and make breakfast. As I'm laying waffles on the table, I hear a thud from the living room. I can already guess what's happened as I head back there, a smirk playing on my lips. Just as I suspected, Tom is laying on the ground rubbing his head. I start laughing and pull him up.

"It isn't funny Z! I could've been hurt!" He whines, but he looks like an angry kitten. 

"Sorry's just too funny. I have breakfast's waffles...and quacksons..." I say mocking his accent.

"Z! That joke is overrrr..." He whines some more. I ruffle his hair.

"Stop whining and start eating."

"Yes mom." He says, mockingly and smirks. He leans up to kiss me and I kiss him back.

"I love that." I remark.

"My kisses?" he asks grinning.

"No, I love that you have to lean up to me so you can reach my lips. It's an added pro of being tall and being taller than you."

He glares at me playfully. "'ll pay for that." He starts chasing me and I sprint into the kitchen but he starts tickling me. I burst into laughter.

"T-tom...s-st-stop!" I cry and he stops.

"Have you learned your lesson?" he asks, laughing too.

"Yes can I make up for my horrible wrongdoing?" I exaggerate.

"Mmm...I have some ideas...." he snakes his arm around my waist and kisses me softly, but passionately. I grin as he finishes and gesture to the table.




A week later....

Haz and Darnell had Trevor and Nadia safely locked away in prison and it seemed like everything was back to normal. 

However, with Zendaya and Tom's relationship....nothing can be normal, now can it?

A few days later...

I hum as I vacuum the apartment I and Tom live in. I am listening to Beyonce's Love on Top. This is one of my favorite songs so I start jamming out.

Baby you're the one that I looovee!

You're the one I neeed!

You're the only one I see

C'mon baby it's you!

You're the one who gives your all!

You're the one I can always call

When I need you make everything stop.

Finally, you put my-!

I hear something that sounds like a shot. "Tom!" I call. No Answer.

I take off her head phones and unplug the vacuum. "Tommy! Tom!" I run into our room.

"TOM!" I scream and start crying.

Tom is on the floor, blood is dribbling down his chin, and he is unconscious. I stand there, frozen for a moment. Then I come to my senses and call 911.

"9-1-1 what's your emergency?"

"M-m-my boyfriend...I think he's been shot."



what has happened to tom? not my babbyyyy!!! but i had too, i'm sowwwy.

anyways, i'm sorry this was so short and weird and choppy. it was a weird way to set up the next chain of events.

plsssss comment, vote,and share so u aren't a ghost reader.

until next time....

hannah 😀

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