chapter 12 | killer + tom + shawn + zendaya

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About a month later...

Zendaya's POV

Tom is still nowhere to be found, I expect he's gone back to London. Coward. I head out into the sun and to the mall with Laura and Angourie.

"You're over him Z, he's a bastard! Let's get some clothes, then you can get yourself a new mans!" Angie says, pulling out some crop-tops. I grin, these girls always make me smile.

I pay for the clothes and I tell the girls I'll meet them in the food court. A tall man with dark glasses and a mask with the words 'Wonder' comes up to me.

"Can I help you?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Zendaya?" he asks.

"That's I know you?" I ask, starting to back up a bit. He removes his sunglasses and looks at me.

"Know me now?" He asks, grinning. I grin back at him.

"Shawn!" I whisper-yell and give him a hug. He hugs me back.

"It's been so long! How've you been..." he asks, softly.

"I've been....sad....but the girls won't let me be down for long so they dragged me out here." I sigh, and give a lopsided smile.

Shawn nods. "Well, I'm glad you deserve to be happy." He says firmly.

"Thank you...and...want to meet the girls? I'm starving..."I joke. He nods and we head over to the food court. The girls wave us over.

"Z! We got you your favorite!" Laura says and hands me my food. 

"Hey Shawn, want me to order you something?"  She asks. He shrugs and tells her his order. We sit down to eat and me and Shawn make each other laugh by telling hilarious jokes.



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met this cutie today @zendaya btw i'm still mad at you for eating all the fries...


zendaya are you still mad about that....i said i was sorry!

shawnmendes @zendaya sorry doesn't bring back my cheese fries....:(

lauraharrier lol, the fries are an understatement...there's a reason there were only two pieces of your pizza left when u came back...

shawnmendes ZENDAYA!!!

zendaya ... laurr!! why u do me like that...i thought we were friends....

lauraharrier  hehe

user1 shawndaya!!!

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