prologue - Tom

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 I'm scrolling through my feed on Instagram, liking one post after the next, vaguely realizing what I'm doing. Suddenly, Harry looks up at me in a confused way from the other side of the room.

"Mate, why'd you like Zendaya's've been ghosting each other for months now..." He asks.

"Wha-" I look down at my phone and scroll up a little. "Shoot, I did! Should I unlike it? Nah, the fans would go crazy and besides, she's probably already got the notification." I roll my eyes.

Harry shrugs. "Yeah, she looks pretty in it too...I'm glad she's starting to become her old self again, seing as she's done with Jacob Elordi." Harry spits out Jacob's name in disgust.

I raise my eyebrows in slight surprise, I shrug. At the moment I couldn't care less, I have assured myself, I'm completely over Zendaya. Nadia and I are going strong...I think, we did have an argument a few weeks ago, but it's blown over. I decide to post a promo for my upcoming Netflix movie.

                                                 Liked by dixiedamelio, lifeisaloha, and zendaya

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                                                 Liked by dixiedamelio, lifeisaloha, and zendaya


 Working with this guy was an absolute pleasure. The Devil All The Time was a huge step for me to take and I can't imagine anyone better to do it with. The 16th of September this film is yours on @netflix so let me know what you think and enjoy!

                                                          @randomuser360 woah, zendaya liked!

                                                         @thebestisyettocome dang! i'm so ready for this

                                                         @tomdayastan23 it's @zendaya being supportive again for me 

I raise my eyebrows. Zendaya liked my post...huh. Well I suppose it's in return for me liking her's. So we're being supportive again, good, at least that's a step in being friends again. Or, she could only be liking just to spite Jacob...that's probably it. Zendaya doesn't forgive people that quickly, especially not just by a like. My phone ringing snaps me out of my thoughts.

It's Haz, I pick it up quickly. 

"Hey Mate! What's with you and Zendaya liking each other's posts all of a sudden?" He says, with a laugh.

"I don't know man, I accidentally like Zendaya's post and she liked mine back...I want to say this is progress into us being friends again but then, it's Zendaya, there's a good chance it was an accident like me or she's doing it to spite Jacob." I tell him.

"Dude, think positive, maybe she's just being polite or friendly." Haz tells me, I can basically see him rolling his eyes at me. 

"There's a fine line between positivity and reality." I reply, with a laugh. We talk a bit more and then hang up. I decide to head to my favorite restaurant in LA for lunch. As I walk in the door with my hoodie over my head, I get some stares, but nothing major.

As I walk up to the bar, a woman with her hair in braids turns around and looks at me. I pale a little bit in shock. Speak of the devil. Zendaya Coleman.

A/N: Two posts in one day!! That's a first, and most likely a last in this story, I love feedback, it keeps me going. Tell me your thoughts! Have a nice day!


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