Chapter 17: The Owl, the Deer & the Donkey

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Important A/N 

After the next 2-3 chapters, updates will be biweekly. I am currently doing in my internship which takes a lot of my time and essentially, I have the weekends to write in most cases. Hence, due to lack of time, I won't be able to update weekly. Moreover, by keeping a biweekly schedule, I'll be able to provide chapters regularly instead of having everyone wonder when the next chapter will be up. I hope you guys understand. Thanks you!


Disclaimer : I do not own PJO or any of its characters.


Chapter 17: The Owl, the Deer and the Donkey

Hestia laughed nervously as she was still being glared by a pair of silver eyes. She didn't see a reason to lie since she was rather proud of her champion and would be happy to tell the rest of the world about it. She just didn't tell anyone for Percy's safety.

"Swear on the Styx that you won't tell anyone unless I say so", Hestia said. She knew she could trust her niece but she needed the assurance.

"I swear on the Styx", said niece replied as thunder boomed in the background.

"He's my champion", Hestia then said simply.

Artemis blinked once. Then twice. She was trying to process what she heard was right.

"WHAT?!", Artemis exclaimed, "Did you just say that this boy is your champion?!"

"Yes, what's wrong with that?"

"You have never had a champion in all these years. NEVER. But now you suddenly have one. Forgive me for being surprised and cautious. Are you sure he is not holding anything over you aunt? If so, tell me and I will slaughter him for you."

"You will do no such thing Artemis", Hestia said as her eyes blazed; surprising her niece. Artemis had hardly ever seen Hestia like this. Sure, she was protective of her family but she had seldom seen this side of her. For her to actually lash out meant that the boy meant a great deal to her.

"What is so special about this boy aunty? He's just another male and add on the fact that he is the son of Poseidon will just make him more cocky almost like all his sons before", Artemis spat in disgust particularly towards the end of the sentence as an image of a particular boy crossed her mind momentarily.

"He noticed and spoke to me at the campfire on the first day he came to camp."

That shut Artemis for a moment. No demigod had ever been able to sense or see Hestia due to her requirements. Only those who had a great sense of loyalty for family and a pure heart could ever meet the goddess at the camp. Hestia had set this up herself ever since the Olympians came to power and the gods started birthing demigods. To add fuel to the fire, she was the eldest child of Kronos making her much more powerful than most Olympians. If this boy was able to meet her meant that he passed her test without even realising it. Artemis also knew that Hestia wouldn't lie about something this big. Despite how much she wanted to deny this fact, the truth was, Artemis couldn't.

Finally Artemis said, "But that doesn't mean he has the right to be your champion." She wanted to know what caused Hestia to make him her first champion ever. Artemis loved her aunt dearly and so she always looked out for her. This was one of those times.

"I spent a lot of time with him", Hestia said as she brushed Percy's hair, "I observed everything about him from the way he was alone to the way he interacted with others. There was never any ulterior motive for anything he did. He just did what was right and cared for those around him. He thought he 'lost' his mother but when he got to know she was alive, he went to the Underworld itself just to get her back. Where do you see this kind of loyalty and love Artemis? Have you ever seen any 12 year old go to such lengths for those that he/she loves?"

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