Chapter 3: Revelations

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Chapter 3

Percy was not a morning person. Not in the least. He despised it with a passion. He was so engrossed in the books that he read the previous night that he completely forgot about the classes in the morning right up until Grover whacked him on his head and went commando all of a sudden.

"Percy, GET UP! We are getting extremely late for class. I don't know about you but I really don't fancy a detention when tomorrow is a Saturday. I would very much like to have some peace of mind from this hellhole they call school", Grover exclaimed in a panic.

"Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Not again", Percy groaned. Just as he was about to get up, a screen popped up in front of him.



Quest Alert!

Reach class on time, avoid detention and pass the test.

Rewards -


50 XP

+1 INT

Failure -

Detention with Ms. Dodds

Accept / Decline?


Immediately Percy hit accept. He did not have time to ponder who Ms. Dodds was. He proceeded to haul ass as he changed his clothes and zoomed out of the room with Grover in tow at a record time. They ran like their lives depended on it and boy were they relieved when they reached on time with just a minute to spare.

Panting, Percy made his way to his seat. Just as he sat down, the old Math teacher he was accustomed to was suddenly replaced by someone else. The new teacher was a fifty year old woman who wore a black leather jacket during the summer season. Even though she was relatively short compared to the other teachers, everything about her screamed danger. She looked like the sort of woman who would ride a Harley and wouldn't think twice before running you over with it or give you a wedgie for being a dork.

In the sweetest voice he swore he had ever heard she said, "Class, I am your new math teacher, Ms. Dodds. I expect full concentration and cooperation whilst in class otherwise you may well have to spend a lovely afternoon in detention with a few tasks in hand."

There was a dangerous tone to the last part of the sentence or so Percy thought.

"I will now be taking a little test to determine where you all stand before we move forward with the syllabus this year", she continued.

Wait, test? Now that he thought about it, the gaming system already knew about her and the test before this even came to pass. How in the hell did that happen?! The more he thought, the more he realised that this system was something far more powerful than he gave it credit for and so far whatever information it had given him was true to its word. He resolved to start placing more trust in it if he were to find out who his dad is amongst other things.

Soon, the tests were distributed. Usually, Percy had an extremely hard time giving any tests. However, this time round, as he looked at the test, he could already solve a few of the questions which earlier he could only dream about solving. The questions were relatively simple and straightforward for a student of Grade 6. With a start, Percy realised that this sudden change may as well be attributed to his increase in intelligence. It was only at 1 yesterday and within a day, he was at a solid 6. Though not a big increase, it was certainly good enough for a start. He was not one to complain. Besides, this also helped him to avoid detention with Ms. Dodds. Something told him that it was not in his best interests.

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