Chapter 1

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Amidst the fire razing hell across Fuyuki, destruction ran rampage in their slaughter. The hellish fire swallowed everythinng in its path like a hungry child, heedless of the battle taking stage at its center

I have always known I'm unusual, even when compared to my kin

There is a distinct burning feeling from within my guts. The instinct for survival. The pain of getting my flesh cut for the thousandth time. Perhaps, the resolve to reach to my goal against the odds

One thing is for sure. I have went too far to give up at this point in time. The final hurdle lies in front of me, waiting to be surpassed

A blur shot past me, too fast for the normal human to follow. 

My senses barely traced the tail of their shadow. I readied the bullet inside the Thompson Contender, snapping the chamber shut with a flick of my wrist while dodging the blade thrown at me by rolling to the side 

Blood poured down my face. The rush of adrenaline ran through my vein, ignited the last of my working muscles on fire as I raised my arm and took aim

Within seconds, my vision blurred into focus. I ignored everything around me to prioritize the figure in front of me. A female priest whose attire has been burned by the fires. Yet the glint of steel in her eyes will not easily be distracted by such trivialities

To start with, my existence should not even be a thing if the World has anything to say about it

Kicking the ground, my opponent shot forward toward me at speed beyond the human eye

Their two hands outstretched, extending out is the six black Keys pressed between their eight fingers. Behind them, the priest's dead eyes focused solely on the target in front of her

Shr ran straight into the barrel of my gun without consideration for her own safety

I am living someone else's life. Even so, Kiritsugu's path remains the same

A spark of ignition sent the bullet flying. In return the Black Keys in her hand thickened as she crossed them, forming a makeshift shield. The bullet I fired ricocheted against reinforced steel

My Origin round was destroyed, the six blades glowed a deep red as they also shattered from the impact, leaving the two of us unarmed. I reached into my back for another bullet at the same time a black key shot up from the priest's palm, forcing me to dodge 

She's fast

Yet still, with that lapse in time, the distance between us was closed. Kotomine Kirei shifted her body forward for a burst of movement at the same time I raised my other gun

'Time Alter'

I intoned at the flying kick sent my way

'Double Accel'

Let me tell you a story about Kiritsugu Emiya

This is the story about how a man entered a world unfamiliar to him. How he changed it, and how it in turn changed him

Before even the Grail war. Before the events that lead me to participate in this god forsaken conflict. Before everything I thought I know went to shit, I will tell you everything that had transpired

This is a story about time


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