Chapter 34

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When you have no frame of reference, whether visual or auditory, your perception of time is warped to un unnatural degree that goes on the longer you remain in aid indisposed state.

The space of eternity. Located somewhere deep within the Greater Grail, is infinitely close to the Root of all existence, yet infinitely far from it.

This is a location wholly separated from the passage of time while unrestrained by space. A limitless void that stretched from past to future, with the present lost somewhere far between the multiple streams flowing downward from him

Different timelines. Different worlds. Different Fates

Truly, when one exert his thoughts into it, alternate realities are branch from differing choices. The causes of those choices are reaction to a "moment". Time enccompass those moment, and he is the master of those Time

At the space all paths led to, there are infinite moments that can change a man's life

In one timeline, he married and have a child with a nun.

Their daughter, Emiya Caren, was born in a loving family. Their joy. Their happiness. Undeserving fates for a pair of cold-blooded assassins, but one they nonetheless embraced

--A tale of redemption, understanding and contenting with one's nature

In another, he allowed his Servant to make a wish instead of him

Back in time, Britain was ruled by a fair, righteous, and yet pragmatic queen along with his king. Camlainn never happened. Morgan and Mordred returned to be part of their family

--A tale of confronting the past, and righting what is wrong

In the next, he spared the Einzbern and comfort the broken Saint

Working as simple farmers, they live the rest of their lives in the serene countryside town of Lorenze, in French, surrounded by peaceful nature as they leave the Grail War to its eventual conclusion

--A tale of shirking one's destiny in pursuit of one's personal happiness

Many different endings are applicable. Routes that he never take, options that could have been taken. Eternity showed him the past and present of every timeline as if to mock him for his choice

A painful reminder that he rejected all those choices in favor of his ambitions

Factually speaking, if Kiritsugu Emiya have followed any of these streams, his fate would have turned out different because of that deviation

He would learn to smile, to stop clinging on to the ideal he chased all his life, and to live free as a person

However...would he reach that destination he was aiming for? Would he rather be happy rather than content, knowing he'd never reach the dream he had all his life?

A ripple spread out across the boundless void, first as small as that of a raindrop, before extending into the edge of the blank space occupying the reality

"Time Alter"

The lone presence raised his hand, and everything ceased existing

The past, the present, the future. Every timeline imaginable vanished like a flickering candle in front of a storm

In the end, only one thing remain within that eternity

Standing in the middle of the white void is a single man.

Along with his black hair, his similarly colored trenchcoat is the singular thing that stood out the most about this seemingly nondescript human

Soft footsteps echoed throughout the blank space. Kiritsugu moved silently, without purpose nor incentive, as he fell into deep thought

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