Chapter 21

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Author's Note: Shitty chap. Really. Will come back to edit later

Who was Kiritsugu Emiya before he is Kiritsugu Emiya?

That is Kiritsugu Emiya

But it is not Kiritsugu Emiya. Rather, it is the him that is not him 

I recalled the memories of my last life 

There was not much I remember.

Surely, I had once thought, if I wind the clock down memory lane far enough, I would see a glimpse of my former self before it began it's transmigration into this body

And yet, that is not the case. No matter how far I went back, the cloud that obstructed my vision remains, as if eternally taunting me of the identity that has been lost. The fact that I could not remember who i used to be, bothers me so

My problem with this have nothing to with cognitive functions but rather a combination of my newfound power in effect. My Origin is the same as his. Origins denotes the essence of a person's existence, which can only mean I am the same existence as the body I inhabit

My could have simply merged with the Emiya's instead of killing like I assumed

Essentially, the world has recognize me as Kiritsugu Emiya, and so any attempt to intrude upon that notion is going to be immaculately deflected

It became inherently clear what this means

I am a man with two souls. As such, our Magecraft and affinity merge with each other. Kiritsugu have [Severance] and [Binding] as his Origin, while mine is [Time]. Consequently, our skills will also be merged

It was a stroke of luck that our compability is that high

Kiritsugu is the perfect vessel for me in this world. I could not ask for more of a blessing


With the addition of the beneli M4, I pack some more guns for the operation

Knowing who our enemy is and whether they are aware of us is a fundamental factor to our victory

Just short of an alley between my position and the destination in mind, I raise the radio to my mouth

Have you gotten in position, Saber?

The night sky of Fuyuki once again reflected off the illuminating streets underneath.

I'm ready, Master

Through our communication shared by a telepathic connection between Servants and Masters, I talked to Saber who's patiently waiting for the signal to begin our assault on the Tohsaka manor

Differently from last time, this time they are prepared. The Matou's served as our opening stage upon this war has opened myself to multiple Mastes who aim to eliminate me as soon as possible

To them, I am the wild card in this war

A position that I took no time in making full use of. 

I load my gun and move silently within the shadow. Up ahead, the Tohsaka manor where I am heading to is drowned in the silence of the night

At the same time Saber started moving in conjunction on the roof. Her speed surpass mine as she crossed several buildings within the span of second. Wind gathered at her feet, creating currents that propel her forward with great velocity

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