𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚗✔︎ 𝚙𝚛𝚝. 2

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Alice POV
It was the next morning and James had been taken upstairs again, I got tortured the day we were taken here right after James was, Lily was shivering in the corner so I unwrapped James sweater that I'd been wearing on my waist picked up Hugo and made my way over to her. She looked to me as I sat down gently beside her and Hugo crawled up to the heavily barred window that was near us. Slowly I put the sweater on Lily and when we were done she looked down at the sweater and hugged herself tightly, taking in James scent on the item of clothing. I wrapped a hesitant hand around her shoulders and lay my chin on her head murmuring that it all would be ok into her ear and winced at the sound of James yelling again, I hugged Lily tighter and gently tugged on Hugo's shirt to tell him to come back down. He obeyed immediately obviously scared and he looked at my face which was now dirty and his bottom lip quivered. Hugo started to cry and Lily hugged him tightly and I kissed his forehead like Hermione would do and then there was heavy footsteps. I didn't even realize that James had stopped yelling and that was why Hugo was crying. He thought... no.

'Don't think like that'

I thought angrily to myself I pulled lily tighter into my side and hugged Hugo into my chest the creaky door swung open and there James was, I looked at him carefully and there was signs of life other than the ripped clothes, dirty body, and cut face he looked ok. Lily started to shake beside me, and I knew why. She hated seeing her eldest brother her hero who would always protect her like this. The deatheater that had brought James grinned viciously. He swung the door open standing tall and menacingly in the doorway as he threw James in as though he was a sack of potatoes. Immediately I went to James limp body and checked him over. Looking up I stared defiantly at the deatheater.

"Blood traitor got what he deserved girly"

He sneered once and left swinging the door shut and locking it magically. I turned to Hugo and Lily who both had silent tears streaming down their faces, Lily breathed shakily and Hugo swallowed determinedly.

"it's raining, listen to the rain munchkins, race water droplets."

I said quietly they stared at me for a second, but Hugo listened and crawled up to the small area where the window was looking back down earnestly at Lily he held his hand out, reluctantly turning her gaze away from her elder brother Lily looked at Hugo and smiled taking his hand and climbing up with him, I looked at James wounds and I wasn't sure what to do.

'Think Alice THINK he doesn't have anything BROKEN but the cuts and bruises he has could get infected...'

I thought considering my options, suddenly I stood up and walked to Hugo. His attention snapped towards me when I was hovering behind the two cousins who were whispering arguing about which of their raindrops had won and he looked at me his big brown eyes wide like a puppies.

"hugh... do you have the pouch?"

I asked quietly kneeling to their level. He sat there thinking for a second before his eyes widened even more, eyebrows raised s grinned and nodded furiously.

" 'ily let me talk to mommy before bedtime and, and-"

He took a deep breath from his excitement and continued on.

"She told me! She told me that um that I should take rosies pouch. BECAUSE, um, um, if we in trouble they won't they won't check me cause cause I'm little!"

He whispered excitedly on his hands and knees. He stumbled down from the window and grinning widely he pulled down his sock and revealed a small pouch.

"And and daddy said that it cam-o-flauges soooooo, thebadguyswontbeabletoseeit! And then! Uncle Harry came and he said it's small on da outside but biggggg on the inside"

He said nodding, raising his arms to gesture that it was big. He plopped it in my hand and I looked at it, kissing Hugo on the cheek,

"your brilliant Hugo!"

I exclaimed opening the bag. Of course I knew what Harry had meant, undetectable extension charm from their trip in 7th year. I reached deep inside it sticking my head inside I saw dittany. That would work for what James had since it would make the injuries older. I grabbed it, I could look through the rest of the bag later right now James was most important. I got out of the bag and crawled back to James dropping the dittany on each of the wounds using it sparingly. Once I was done I gently pushed him up into a sitting position on the nearest wall. Lily who had been watching me intently crawled over to him and wrapped her arms around her brother tightly. Hugo came over too and soon we were all cuddled together. I took Hugo's tear stained face into my lap and stroked his hair. Slowly my head lolled and my eyes grew heavy and somehow we all fell asleep cuddled up with each other.


(Still Alice's POV)
I felt myself being softly shaken awake and my eyelids fluttered open to meet James's looking at me with that glint in his hazel eyes that told me everything I needed to know, it felt like he was leaving his heart out on the line for anybodies taking when he gave me those James Potter eyes. He helped me up and we walked to the other side of the cellar making sure not to wake up Lily & Hugo. Before he could speak I filled him in on the new development of the pouch Hugo had.

"That's something that can help us later but listen."

James said thoughtfully his face turning serious.

"Do you remember the Deathly Hallows movies lis"

He asked a smirk creeping onto his face. I thought for a second then it hit me.

"But James I don't think Dobby exists yet and the Kreacher in this timeline doesn't even KNOW us why would he follow orders-"

I started frowning.

"Not this Kreacher OUR Kreacher listen, if we call for Kreacher we can get Hugo and Lily OUT before Bellatrix gets bored of playing with me and t-torturing you and wants somebody else."

He cut me off looking me in the eye so I knew he was serious. I sighed,

"Lets do it."

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