Chapter 16

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Dedicated to faithjessica8

Magical Christmas.
Perfect girlfriend.
And lots of cash.

Everything fitted into Craig's plan that year. He stole Novah away to California and rented a cabin for their romantic Christmas getaway. In the evening, they took out their sleds and slid down the little hill, laughing.

"You know what, Snowy?" Craig hollered when he reached the foot of the hill.

Novah set her sled. She was about to come sliding down when she heard his question. It jolted her out of balance. She missed a footing, and yelled as she snow gave way under her feet and she crashed down. But he caught her in his arms in the nick of time.

"What the fuck? Couldn't it fucking wait? You almost had me killed back there, bad boy. It ain't funny." She pouted.

"I'm falling in love with you all over again." He grinned, then leaned down and kissed the tip of her nose.

"Let's build a snowman," she whined.

He sighed. Guessed he had no other choice but to set her on her feet. That was the kind of love he had for her. Beautiful but chaotic. He'd earned her detention so many times because of his love but then, she didn't regret it. She'd stay in detention for hours on end, as long as they were in it together.

"I still can't believe I have the queen bee all to myself. You can't have enough of me, right?"

She showed him her middle finger.

"Perhaps I'd get tired of you. But I'm afraid that day would never come." She stopped gathering her ball of snow to catch him staring at her in awe.

She could swear he'd never looked cuter.

She could also swear that she didn't see him ball up snow in his palm. He fired the snowball at her. It smashed in bits; the icy water dropped down her face.

"Shit!" She cursed.

Her turn. Two could play the game.

Her version of a snowball was bigger than Craig's. But she couldn't lift it up, talk less of throwing it at him. Poor baby. She sniffled, wishing that tears didn't sting her eyes, forcing themselves out, prompting Craig to take pity on her. He wiped the snow off the snow off her face with his fingers.

"Oops, your hair. It's fucking wet. Do you mind sitting by the fire for the rest of tonight?"

She bit her lower lip and cast her gaze elsewhere.

"I asked if you wanted to sit by the fire," he cupped her face in his palms, "not if I wished to be turned on. You're a dirty, dirty girl."

She breathed into his palms, "Maybe I want to play dirty." She winked at him slyly.

Then she sucked in her bottom lip even more. Pretending she didn't see his grey probs rake over her lips as if he was devouring her already.

"Then dirty it is," he agreed.

One of his hands disappeared under her waist, jolting her forwards so that she slammed into his rock hard chest, bust first.

"W___ what?" She stammered.

He cut her off by moving his face so close to hers that she saw his eyelashes flutter like butterfly wings. He watched her cheeks color from pink to crimson as he sucked in her upper lip. She closed her eyes. Perhaps she expected him to deepen the kiss but he had other plans on his mind.

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