Chapter 18

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PS: Long chapter ahead. 😁

Once he settled on the loveseat, munching on a bag of fries and binge watching Netflix, Craig's mind traveled back to Isla, or Mae, as she claimed. He didn't care about her name. All he knew was that she was his best friend who made his jaw drop whenever he saw her. He groaned in frustration, ran his hands through his hair and called her on Skype.

She rushed to the living room where she abandoned her iPad in search of chocolate from the refrigerator. She was just in a T-shirt, curling up on the couch, yet he came undone when she picked his call. This was such a terrible idea.

The only thing he had to say was, "wow".

The only thing she had to say was, "Mr Sherman? How the fuck did you get my number? Darn, you're stalking me?"

He raised his hands in defense. Geez, this girl had some cheek.
"Let's just say I got it from your hospital records?"

Why did she have to look so sexy?

She wasn't even in a gown, just wearing her black curls plain about her shoulders. She pouted at him, drawing his gaze to her pink lips. He shuddered visibly. She took note of his reaction, then pushed him further over the edge by biting her lower lip.

"Stop it," he thundered.

He was trying very hard not to lose control and barge over to her home and kiss her senseless. What was he even thinking? She'd kick his ass out in a beat.

"My bad, I'm sorry." He watched her eyes deepen, then soften as she stared at him.

"For what?" She guessed what he was trying to say, but she wasn't going to make it easy.

"I___" His cheeks flamed hot. He looked away.

"Shouldn'thavekissedyou," he blurted.

She chuckled. "I didn't quite get that. Mind repeating it?"

Damn, he'd been an idiot to call her at all.

"I kind of rushed things." He took a deep breath, "and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you. It was a mistake, right?"

She laughed."That doesn't explain why you called me at five PM. Is this a mistake too?"

He turned redder. Then he started stammering like an idiot. It was so hilarious that Mae couldn't stop herself from bursting into laughter. Craig fucking handsome Sherman was blushing.

"Stop it," he huffed, not liking how she saw right through his predicament.

The T-shirt she was wearing was his favorite; the one he'd passed on to her when she slept over last session but forgot the bring her pyjamas. It hurt him still; she didn't remember that either. And it was all his fault.

"I have an idea," he said suddenly when it seemed like she'd never stop.

"I'll make it up to you. How does that sound?" He held his breath as she considered his offer, twirling a strand of her hair round and round. She said nothing.

"Why don't you call your dad? Tell him that you'll be home late."

Her heart stopped hammering and stood still, then froze into ice. Dad. Somehow, his memories weren't erased, and she recalled the bitter things that transpired between them both when she was a kid.

"You're disgusting," he spat.

Tears rose in her eyes. She struggled to hold them back but they spilled, showing him just how weak she was.

"Just like your Mom. That motherfucker stole my money, you bitch. She stole everything away from me, then ran off to London with that lover of hers. Thompson, I think. A stupid detective that can't work a tape properly. I know she's planning to take custody of you, but it'll never work. I'll ruin your life, I swear. Daughter of a motherfucker."

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