Chapter Six

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We all sat down and relaxed finally free from the guards. "We did it!" Fast Forward said.

"Yeah, we did it." Missy said sitting next to me holding up her hand. I high-fived her.

"But the tram will only take us to just outside of the force field, then they'll catch us for sure. Look! They're already mobilizing!" Wheels yelled pointing out the window.

"Brace yourselves!" Missy yelled.

We all grabbed onto something. I grabbed onto the pole next to me as tight as I could.

"You too, Guppy." I told her. She glared at me and gripped the pole hard.

"A Capella, make us fly." Wild Card said.

A Capella stood up and started vocalizing. Gradually her voice got lower. The tram started to shake. Then her eyes glowed. We started flying and we cheered.

We flew right over the guards heads. A Capella started fluctuating. She crossed her arms into an X and put her hands out in front of her.

I then realized what she was trying to say. "She can't steer!" I yelled.

"We're gonna crash into that building!" Missy yelled pointing out the window at a building just up ahead.

"We need to change directions!" Wheels yelled.

"I'm on it!" Noodles yelled.

He went over and punched out the window. He held onto the pole and stretched himself down to the ground. He grabbed onto the street lamp.

We spun around in circles. Noodles was slipping. "Help him out!" Missy yelled.

We all came over and held onto him. Then he slipped out of our hands and held onto the window.

Me, Missy, and Rewind grabbed his hand. We looked down at Noodles and Rewind stuck his thumb up smiling.

We spun some more until Noodles let go and we went flying off into the distance. We helped Noodles back in.

I looked over and saw my brother make a face at the guards in the distance. Classic Facemaker.

"Well, that was a disaster." Wild Card said.

"How? We got out of there didn't we?" I asked him.

"That was awesome." Rewind said. "Exactly." I said high-fiving him.

"I'm so exhausted." Noodles said.

A Capella fluctuated again. We fell and we started screaming. Then we flew back up again.

"Guys...🎶ah🎶...I'm running...🎶ah🎶...out of...🎶ah🎶"

"Breath! We get it." Wild Card said.

"What do we do?" Facemaker asked.

"Yell? Scream?" I suggested. (now if y'all don't get that reference then shame on you. how could you not get the reference from the very movie WCBH is a sequel of!)

"We can't do that we have to do something." Missy said. "Don't look at me. I'm done." Noodles said letting his arms hang down.

"We need to find some place to hide." Wheels said.

"Any ideas?" I asked.

"The Heroics are all locked in the alien ship." Fast Forward said.

"Way to state the obvious." I said.

"Not all of them." Missy said.

"What?" I asked her.

"You know this how?" Wild Card asked.

Missy walked over to Wheels and signaled A Capella over. "Do you think you can get us over to here?" Missy asked her.

She nodded and fluctuated again. We all shook. "Okay! Okay! Okay!" Missy told her.

She made her way back over to us. "Hey, what's over there that so important?" Wild Card asked almost falling again.

She stood up. "Well, you see, my-" We shook again and she fell. I caught her. "Thanks." She told me. "No problem." I told her.

"Okay this is bad. This is really, really bad." Wheels said.

"Tell us something we don't know!" I yelled to him.

"Five to one says we die a fiery death." Facemaker told Noodles.

"You're on!" Noodles said.

"Facemaker I swear to God! If you bet on our lives and we die I'm taking my revenge in the afterlife!" I threatened him.

"You can do it, A Capella!" Wheels told her.

We all cheered her on. We hoped the encouragement would help her keep us in the air.

Then she stopped singing. She cleared her throat. "Does anyone have a lozenge?" She said pointing to her throat.

Guppy face palmed. "Can we yell and scream now?" I asked.

Missy shook her head no. "Hang on!" She yelled.

We all grabbed onto something and yelled and screamed as we started hurdling towards the ground. We hit the ground and slid into a gazebo.

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