Chapter Sixteen

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From that day on we took over for the Heroics. We made better practical costumes and now we are unstoppable.

After that adventure me and Missy started going out and are now happily together.

As for right now we are standing on a cliff with the sunset behind us. Missy is holding my hand. And we let go to strike a pose.

Of course while we are different from our parents we had to do it all in slow motion. Cause what's a superhero if they don't strike a pose in slow motion with the wind in their hair?

Missy put her hands on her hips while I put my hands up like I was ready to punch something.

We stared out at nothing just standing there sinking in the moment when of course my brother had to open his big mouth.

"So what are we supposed to be looking at?" He asked.

Okay I'm not gonna lie that was a good question. I turned my head to look at Missy along with the others.

"The future." She answered.

We all took that as a good enough answer and went back to posing and looking at "the future".

well folks that's marks the end for now i guess it's a waiting game until the next movie. big shoutout to @katieparker555 for requesting and helping with some of the ideas in this book. i might have a wheels x reader on the way at some point so i'll let y'all know. and maybe even an A Capella x reader if you guys are interested??? and if you do want to request something i'm absolutely okay with that i don't mind all i need it ideas you might like and time to write it. anyways with all of that being said i hope you liked this book. thank you so much for all the love on my other books ❤️ peace ✌🏻 -author

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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