Chapter Nine

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She stood up and walked in some more. "Guys? Come on!" She said. "Yeah guys cheer up." I added. "It sure is dark in here." Guppy said.

"Ojo, can I borrow your flashlight for a minute?" Missy asked. She handed Missy her ipad that had the flashlight turned on.

"We just have to stick..." Missy started. "...together." I finished linking our arms. She smiled and me and I smiled back.

We started to walk further into the tunnel. "Yeah, and find a way up to the mother ship, and defeat the aliens who defeated all the Heroics." Wild Card said.

"Way to stay positive Wild Card." I told him.

"Whatever." He replied rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.

"What could we do differently from our parents?" Wheels asked.

"Everything." I stated.

"Exactly." Missy agreed. "Like we lure the aliens out of the cities, so that we don't..."

"...destroy more buildings." I finished catching on.

"They're right. Our parents are always having huge brawls in the middle of the most populated cities." Rewind said.

"Don't we need superhero costumes?" Guppy asked.

"All superheroes have costumes. Pads, fake muscles, tons of useless buckles." Fast Forward said.

"Underwear on the outside." A Capella stated.

"Masks you can barely see out of." Rewind added.

"That's why they were able to pick out our parents so easily." Fast Forward said.

"Because they were easy to spot." Missy said. She started looking at Ojo's newest drawings.

"We have to blend in." I said.

She nudged me. I looked at the tablet. My eyes went wide. "Be...stealth." Missy trailed off. She looked at me and I nodded.

"How?" Wild Card asked.

"Just trust us." Missy said.

"We have a plan." We said together.

We kept walking until we reached the end of the tunnel. It was a bunch of hanging vines that led into a clearing.

"Where? What plan?" He asked us.

"We'll show you." We told him.

We all leaned over the tablet showing it to him. The plan is we're gonna sneak on a bus?" He asked. We both leaned to whisper into his ears.

"Ojo's a spy." We whispered to him.

"Oh." He looked down at the tablet. He saw the drawing we saw. "Holy...doo doo." He said looking at "Guppy".

"I mean, yes, very interesting." We continued to whisper him the plan. "Uh-huh. Okay, makes sense. Yep. Okay. Wow, that's really smart." He said looking at us.

He then grabbed the tablet from Missy's hands. "Okay, everyone, Missy, Punch, and I figured out a way for us to do this. Check it out. Ojo drew us a clue. A supply ship."

"So what does that mean?" A Capella asked.

"It means there's probably one nearby that we'll sneak on board and pilot up to the mother ship." Wild Card answered.

"That's actually a good idea no matter who thought of it." Wheels said.

"Thank you." Wild Card said. Guppy groaned.

"Come on, it's time we show these aliens..." Missy started.

"...what's what." I finished.

I held out my hand to Missy and she grabbed it and we ran to go find the supply ship.

"Hurry up, Slo-Mo!" Wild Card called.

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