Chapter Thirteen

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"Wheels, how much time do we have?" Missy asked.

"Eighteen minutes."

"Well then we're gonna need to hurry if we want to stop the takeover." I said as we started walking.

"Us? Are you nuts?" Wild Card asked.

"Do you really want me to answer that question?" I asked him still walking.

"We have to go free our parents and let them handle it." He continued.

"Oh, yeah like they did such a good job the first time." I stated.

"There's no time for that! By the time we get there, they-" Missy was cut off by him.

"No! I'm through listening to you. When I woke up this morning, everything was perfect, and then you come along and everything's a mess. If Little Miss No-Powers and Miss Punchy Punch is who you want as a leader, fine, follow them straight into Alienville. But Facemaker and I are gonna go get our parents."

"We are?" My brother asked him.

"Yes. Right now." He grabbed my brother by the shirt and walked away.

"Guys, we have to stick together. Guys!" Missy yelled.

"Wild Card come back here with my brother!" I whisper yelled. Facemaker just shrugged and went with Wild Card. I sighed.

"What can you do?" Missy asked Ojo. "Some people are just-" She said

"Forget him." Wheels interrupted. "We need to get to the rocket so I can stop it before it launches."

"How are you so sure you can do that?" I asked him.

"Because everything the aliens build is super intuitive to use, almost like it was designed for children to operate. Get me close. I'll turn it off."

"Okay then let's go." Missy said.

We started running for the pyramid room. We finally turned a corner and saw the door that leads into the room.

"That's it there!" Wheels yelled.

"🎶We're gonna make it after all🎶" A Capella sang twirling.

Then guards showed up in front of the door blocking us from getting in. We stopped. ", we're not." Fast Forward corrected.

We turned around and tried to run the other way. A few steps into our run the end of the hallway closed off and more guards walked out.

"Uh...guys? What do we do now? Missy? Punch?" Rewind asked.

"Why do you both seem so calm?" Noodles asked us.

"Because we have something they don't know about." Missy said.

"A secret weapon." I stated.

"We do?" Wheels asked.

"Yeah. Teamwork!" I said to him.

"Alone, our powers are special, but together we're unstoppable!" Missy said.

"Slo-Mo, attack!" I yelled pointing to the guards.

"A Capella, eardrums!" Missy shouted. A Capella sang hurting the guards eardrums.

"Rewind, take em down!" We yelled together.

"Guppy?" I asked looking for her.

"Guppy!" Missy called we looked for her.

She was sitting in the hallway meditating. "Guppy?" I asked.

"Guppy, what are you doing?" Missy asked her.

"Staying calm." She replied simply.

"Well, not now!" I complained. "Guppy..." I said.

"Listen." Missy said.

"Shark frenzy." We said to her.

She smiled getting up and putting her glasses on growling. We moved out of her way. "Everyone stand back!" We yelled.

I went and joined Guppy. Together we used our strength to take down the guards.

We saw Wheels get out of his chair doing a handstand on Noodles. His chair was charging up. We all got up against the wall.

Wheels' chair charged at the guards knocking them all down like bowling pins. It came back to him and he sat in it sticking his thumb up to Noodles.

"Great job, Wheels." Missy said to him.

We looked over and watched her fight the rest of the guards. "Go, A Capella!" Missy cheered.

She had the guard on the floor but then it's hand turned into a tentacle. Then they all sprouted tentacles.

Three of them walked forward and pulled down shackles and cuffed us. I tried using my strength to break free but they wouldn't budge.

"Rewind." Missy called.

"I can't." He said.

"We can do this." Fast Forward said.

"How?" He asked.

"We work together. I'll help you." She told him. They both used their powers and rewound time. The shackles removed themselves from us.

"Noodles, get those shackles out of the ceiling!" Missy told him.

He stretched up and pulled them down. "Now fast forward, quick!" Rewind told his sister. She speed up time.

This time when the guards went to pull the shackles down there was nothing to pull. We laughed at them.

"That's unfortunate." I said to them.

They went to get us but the shackles grabbed their ankles and made them trip and fall. We laughed as we watched them struggle.

Then one of them smirked and reached into his pocket. We heard jangling. "Uh-oh..." A Capella said. Then he held up a set of keys.

"Again!" Fast Forward said. This time when he went to pull out the keys there were none to pull out.

"Looking for these?" Missy asked holding up the keys.

The twins high-fived. Me and Missy walked up to them. "Great job, Fast Forward." I said.

"Excellent work, Rewind." Missy told him. He used his powers to have her repeat it.

"I just like hearing her say it." He told us. We rolled our eyes.

"Okay enough." I said. "Let's get in there before we run out of time!" I said.

"Let's go!" Missy said.

We stepped over the guards and ran through the door that led to the pyramid room.

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