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Mia watched as Peter dabbed a wash cloth on Coras forehead. It was rare to see Peter so caring towards others not for Mia as she is used to seeing this side of Peter, it was just nice to see him showing affection towards someone else.

She too was growing more anxious as she kept watching doctors and nurses dash past the room as the whole hospital was evacuating patients due to the storm. She could feel the knot in her stomach tightening as she continued to listen to the steady bleep of Cora's heart monitor.

"Hey, anyone want to tell me when they're getting my niece out of here?" Peter turned and yelled out to no one in particular. 

A few seconds later Melissa McCall entered the room . "Sorry but she wasn't, uh..." The nurse cut herself off as she locked eyes with Peter and then glanced behind him to see Mia sat besides her sister.

She stepped back a couple steps in shock as the last she heard the man was dead. "You're suppose to be dead."

Peters expression was unreadable as he looked at Melissa. Mia wasn't sure if it was guilt or indecisiveness. "I get that a lot actually."

Suddenly Cora's monitor started to rapidly beep as she jumped awake gasping. She turned quickly to the side of the hospital bed and emptied her stomach onto the floor. Mia rubbed her back as she continued to spew out black sludge. The three of them looking at each other with unease.

"Mistletoe." Mia whispered as she caught sight of what Cora had been throwing up. Peter gave her somewhat of a reassuring smile as Melissa helped get Cora up as they still needed to move her out of the hospital.

"It's not good, she's in and out of unconsciousness. She's vomiting up black blood along with one other alarming substance." Peter spoke through the phone to Derek as Mia was helping Cora change out of the hospital gown.



The merged Alpha Twins roared as they pushed Peter through the double doors of the corridor. He landed in front of Derek and the pack.

"Hey ugly!" Mia exclaimed as the Twin Alpha moved to charge at the pack. She came from behind it and swung a large metal pole at its head causing it to become disorientated for a moment as it shook his head before turning towards her.

She jumped on its back attempting to pull at one arm to try and detach the Twins from one another but it was no use as they used their other arm to grab her off of them as they held up her by her neck. She gasped as they tightened their hold squeezing her neck as it became harder for her to breathe. Just as she started to see black spots Derek roared as he charged at the Alphas making them drop Mia as he began to fight them.

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